- Gunnar Asplund
name=Gunnar Asplund
birth_date=22nd September 1885
death_date=20th October 1940
significant_buildings=The Snellman House, Djursholm, (1918),Stockholm (1920) The Listers County Court House,Sölvesborg , (1921), The Skandia Cinema, Stockholm (1923),Stockholm Public Library , (1928),
significant_projects=Skogskyrkogården (1914-40),Gothenburg City Hall (1917-37)
awards= |Erik Gunnar Asplund (
22 September 1885 –20 October 1940 ) was a Swedish architect, mostly known as a representative of Swedishneo-classical architecture of the 1920s, and during the last decade of his life as a major proponent of the modernist style which got its breakthrough in Sweden at the1930 Stockholm exposition . His major works include theStockholm Public Library andSkogskyrkogården , a cemetery which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Skogskyrkogården was created between 1914 and 1940 by Asplund andSigurd Lewerentz . Another important work is the extension of theGothenburg City Hall building which Asplund started on 1917 and finished 1937 - it shows his transformation from neo-classical to modernist architect.Gunnar Asplund is considered perhaps the most important modernist Swedish architect and has had a major influence on later generations of Swedish and also Nordic architects [ [http://www.ne.se/jsp/search/article.jsp?i_art_id=119420&i_word=Gunnar%20Asplund On Gunnar Asplund at the Swedish National Encyclopediae website (in Swedish, password needed)] ] .
External links
* [http://palladio.arch.kth.se/~a96_fso/asplund/ Website about Asplunds work on Stockholm Public Library]
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/s-h-s/sets/72157603485847637 Website with several photos about Asplunds work on Stockholm Public Library]
* [http://asplund-library.org/ Further mentions/photos about his major masterpiece Stockholm Public Library]
* [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=8411 Gunnar Asplund] at Find-A-Grave]
* [http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=gunnar+asplund+english+subtitles&so=0 5 films with English subtitles about the City Library of Stockholm designed by Gunnar Asplund. See the view from the roof, enjoy all the furnitures designed by Gunnar Asplund, look into the marvellous Rotunda and so on.]
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