Angelo's Civita Farnese

Angelo's Civita Farnese

Angelo's Civita Farnese is a popular restaurant in the Federal Hill neighborhood of Providence, Rhode Island. [cite news
title= Hot spots to find warm meals and cold brews
first= Gail
last= Ciampa
date= March 25, 2004
publisher= Providence Journal

Founded in 1924, it is known for as much for its atmosphere as for its food. [cite news
accessdate= 2007-10-01
title= Providence Alight
first= Peter
last= Mandel
publisher= Washington Post
] The seating is family-style, so you could wind up sitting next to anyone from local politicians to national entertainers. Ownership of the restaurant has remained in the same family since it opened.

It features regularly in Rhode Island Monthly's "Best of Rhode Island" awards. [cite web
accessdate= 2007-10-01
title= Best of Rhode Island 2006 - Readers' Picks
] [cite web
accessdate= 2008-07-02
title= Best of Rhode Island 2007 - Readers' Picks


External links

* [ Home Page]
* [ Capsule review]

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