International Valuation Standards Committee

International Valuation Standards Committee

The IVSC - The International Valuation Standards Committee, is a Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) member of the UN, with membership that encompasses all the major national valuation standard-setters and professional associations from 41 different countries. IVSC publish the International Valuation Standards (IVS), now in its 8th edition.

IVSC headquarters are in London.

The IVSC was founded in 1981 as the International Asset Valuation Committee, a joint venture of the UK based RICS and the American Appraisal Institute. Its original purpose was the development of a set of common international real estate valuation standards for purposes of financial reporting, in conjunction with the development of International Accounting Standards (IAS, now known as IFRS) by the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC, now known as IASB). Since then, the IVSC have broadened their scope to encompass the harmonisation of international real estate valuation practice in general, and have recently endeavoured even further with the intention of introducing standards for all types of asset classes (such as real estate, business and non-tangible assets).

List of member organizations

*Argentina - Instituto Argentino de Tasaciones
*Australia - Australian Property Institute
*Austria - Austrian Institute of Property Valuation and Valuation Standards
*Brazil - Instituto Brasileiro Avaliacoes
*Canada - Appraisal Institute of Canada
*China - China Appraisal Society
*Colombia - Registro Nacional de Avaluadores
*Czech Republic -The Czech Chamber of Appraisers
*Egypt - The Egyptian Association of Real Estate Appraisers
*Germany - Verband Deutscher Pfandbriefbanken, Bundesverband der Immobilien-Investment-Sachverständigen e. V. (BIIS)
*Greece -Body of Sworn-in Valuers of Greece
*Hong Kong, China -Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
*India -The Practising Valuers Association of India
*Indonesia - [ Indonesian Society of Appraisers]
*Ireland -The Society of Chartered Surveyors in the Republic of Ireland, The Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute
*Italy - Consiglio Nazionale Geometri
*Japan -Japanese Association of Real Estate Appraisal
*Kazakhstan -Chamber of Professional Appraisers of Kazakhstan
*Korea - Korea Association of Property Appraisers
*Latvia -Latvian Association of Appraisers
*Lithuania -Lithuanian Association of Property Valuers, Lithuanian Association of Property and Business Valuation Enterprises
*Malawi -Surveyors Institute of Malawi
*Malaysia -The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia
*Mexico -National Association of Mexican Valuation Institutes
*The Netherlands -Raad voor Onroerende Zaken (ROZ, the Real Estate Council)
*New Zealand -Property Institute of New Zealand (PINZ)
*Norway -Norges Takseringsforbund
*Nigeria -Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers
*Philippines -Institute of Philippine Real Estate Appraisers (IPREA)
*Poland -The Polish Federation of Valuer’s Associations
*Romania -The National Association of Romanian Valuers
*Russia -Russian Society of Appraisers, Russian Board of Appraisers
*Singapore -Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers
*Slovenia- Slovenian Institute of Auditors
*South Africa -South African Institute of Valuers
*Spain -Association Espanola de Sociadades de Tasacion
*Sweden -Samfundet för Fastighetsvardering
*Tanzania -Tanzania Institution of Valuers and Estate Agents
*Thailand -Thai Valuers Association
*Turkey -Appraisers’ Association
*Ukraine -Ukrainian Society of Appraisers
*United Kingdom -The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
*United States -The Appraisal Institute, American Society of Appraisers
*Venezuela -Sociedad de Ingenieria de Tasaciones de Venezuel The following national associations are non-member representatives but are IVSC Observers:

*Albania -The Albanian Society of Real Property Valuers
*Barbados -Barbados Association of Professional Valuers
*Estonia -Estonian Association of Appraisers
*Finland -The Association for Authorized Real Estate Valuation
*Georgia -Georgian Federation of Professional Assets Valuators, Expertise Institute for Valuation of Assets of Georgia
*Luxembourg -Institut National de l’Expertise Immobiliere
*Macedonia - Macedonian Appraisal Society
*Slovakia -Slovak Association of Economic Appraisers

The following are non-member representatives but are IVSC Correspondents:

*Palestine -Palestinian Auditors and Accountants Association
*Vietnam -Price Control Department, Ministry of Finance

External links

* [ IVSC website]

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