Ibn Abi Ishaq

Ibn Abi Ishaq

unicode|ʿAbd-Allāh ibn Abī Isḥāq al-Ḥaḍramī (Arabic, عبد الله بن أبي اسحاق الحضرمي), (died AD 735 / AH 117) an Arab grammarian and is the earliest known grammarian of the Arabic language. He compiled a prescriptive grammar by referring to the usage of the Bedouins, whose language was seen as especially pure (see also unicode|iʿrāb, unicode|aʿrāb).

Two students of Abi Ishaq's were unicode|ʿIsa ibn ʿUmar al-Thaqafi (died 149 H) and unicode|Abu ʿAmr ibn al-ʿAlā' (died 154 H.). Al-Thaqafi seems to have had more prescriptive views while al-Ala's were more descriptive. Their differences have been suggested to lie at the core of the later division of Arabic grammar into the schools of Kufa and Basra.

ee also

*List of Arab scientists and scholars.

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