Ibn Abi Umara — (arabisch أحمد بن مرزوق بن أبي عمارة, DMG Aḥmad b. Murzūq b. Abī ʿUmāra; † 1284) war Usurpator im Hafsidenreich (1283 1284). Ibn Abi Umara („der Betrüger“) war der Handwerker Ahmad ibn Marzuq aus Bidschaya/Bougie, der nach Tripolis zog und … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ibn Abi Sadiq — Ibn Abi Sadiq, Abu al Qasim ‘Abd al Rahman ibn ‘Ali was an 11th century Persian physician from Khorasan, now Afghanistan and Iran.He was said by some medieval biographical sources to have been a pupil of Avicenna s. The direct association with… … Wikipedia
Sallam ibn Abi l-Huqaiq — Abu Rafiʿ († 627 n. Chr.) war ein jüdischer Widersacher des Propheten Mohammed. Er wurde mit Billigung Mohammeds ermordet .[1] Sein vollständiger Name lautete Sallam ibn Abi l Huqaiq. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Stellung 2 Die Überlieferungen 3 Planung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Descendants of Ali ibn Abi Talib — Part of a series on the Imam of Islam Ali Life … Wikipedia
Ali Ibn Abi Talib — Reinado 656 661 Otros títulos Padre de Hasán León de Dios León Nacimiento 23 de octubre de 598 … Wikipedia Español
Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas — (arabisch سعد بن أبي وقاص, DMG Saʿd bin Abī Waqqāṣ) (* 595; † 664) war ein Wegbegleiter des Propheten Mohammed und einer der zehn, denen von Mohammed das Paradies versprochen wurde. Er gehörte den Koreischiten aus dem Stamm der Banu Zuhra… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Birthplace of Ali ibn Abi Talib — Ali ibn Abi Talib (ca 599 661 CE) was a prominent figure in early Islamic history. He had been taken into his cousin Muhammad s household as a child, and was one of the first converts to Islam when he was only ten years old. Later, he married… … Wikipedia
DANIEL BEN SAMUEL IBN ABĪ RABĪʿ — (Ha Kohen (13th century), Babylonian gaon. He was appointed in 1247 in succession to R. Isaac b. Israel (Abu al Fath or Isḥaq ibn al Shuwayk), by Abd al Raḥman ibn al Lamkhani, the Baghdad qadi. There was opposition to Daniel, especially by R.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ibn Abbad al-Rundi — or, in full Abu abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Abi Ishaq Ibrahim An nafzi Al himyari Ar rundi (1333 1390), was one of the leading Sufi theologians of his time who was born in Ronda. Attracted to Magreb by the famous madrasahs, Ibn Abbad emigrated there… … Wikipedia
Ibn ʿAbbād — ▪ Islamic theologian in full Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Abī Isḥāq Ibrāhīm an Nafzī al Ḥimyarī ar Rundī born 1333, Ronda, Spain died 1390, buried Bāb al Futūḥ, Mor. Islamic theologian who became the leading mystical thinker of North Africa… … Universalium