Triplet state

Triplet state

In physics, spin is the angular momentum intrinsic to a body, as opposed to orbital angular momentum, which is the motion of its center of mass about an external point. In quantum mechanics, spin is particularly important for systems at atomic length scales, such as individual atoms, protons, or electrons. Such particles and the spin of quantum mechanical systems ("particle spin") possesses several unusual or non-classical features, and for such systems, spin angular momentum cannot be associated with rotation but instead refers only to the presence of angular momentum. A spin triplet is a set of three quantum states of a system, each with total spin S = 1. The system could consist of a single elementary massive spin 1 particle such as a W or Z boson, or be some multiparticle state total spin angular momentum of one (in units of hbar).


Two Spin 1/2 Particles

In a system with two spin 1/2 particles - for example the proton and electron in the ground state of hydrogen, measured on a given axis, each particle can be either spin up or spin down so the system has four basis states in all


using the single particle spins to label the basis states, where the first and second arrow in each combination indicate the spin direction of the first and second particle respectively.

More rigorously

s_1,m_1 angle|s_2,m_2 angle=|s_1,m_1 angleotimes|s_2,m_2 angle

and since for spin-1/2 particles, the |1/2,m angle basis states span a 2-dimensional space. Therefore the |1/2,m_1 angle|1/2,m_2 angle basis states span a 4-dimensional space.

Now the total spin and its projection onto the previously defined axis can be computed using the rules for adding angular momentum in quantum mechanics using the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. In general

:|j,m angle = sum_{m_1+m_2=m}C_{m_1m_2m}^{s_1s_2s}|s_1m_1 angle|s_2m_2 angle

substituting in the four basis states

: |1/2,+1/2 angle|1/2,+1/2 angle (uparrowuparrow)

: |1/2,+1/2 angle|1/2,-1/2 angle (uparrowdownarrow)

: |1/2,-1/2 angle|1/2,+1/2 angle (downarrowuparrow)

: |1/2,-1/2 angle|1/2,-1/2 angle (downarrowdownarrow)

returns the possible values for total spin given along with their representation in the |1/2 m_1 angle|1/2 m_2 angle basis. There are three states with total angular momentum 1

1,1 angle & =uparrowuparrow\
1,0 angle & =frac{1}{sqrt{2(uparrowdownarrow + downarrowuparrow)\
1,-1 angle & =downarrowdownarrowend{array} ight) s=1 (mathrm{triplet})

and a fourth with total angular momentum 0.

:left(|0,0 angle=frac{1}{sqrt{2(uparrowdownarrow - downarrowuparrow) ight) s=0 (mathrm{singlet})

The result is that a combination of two spin 1/2 particles can carry a total spin of 1 or 0, depending on whether they occupy a triplet or singlet state.

See also

* Singlet state
* Doublet state
* Diradical
* Angular momentum
* Pauli matrices
* Spin multiplicity
* Spin quantum number
* Spin-1/2
* Spin tensor
* Spinor


*cite book | author=Griffiths, David J.|title=Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2nd ed.) | publisher=Prentice Hall |year=2004 |id=ISBN 0-13-111892-7
*cite book | author=Shankar, R. | title=Principles of Quantum Mechanics (2nd ed.) | publisher=Springer| year=1994 |id=ISBN 0-306-44790-8 |chapter=chapter 14-Spin

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