

Ailill (Ailell, Oilioll) a popular male given name in medieval Ireland and may refer to:

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  • Ailill — (Ailell, Oilioll) ist ein historischer irischer Name und steht für folgende Personen: Ailill Aulom, König von Connacht des 3. Jahrhunderts Ailill mac Máta, König von Connacht (Irland) und Mann von Königin Medb Ailill mac Slanuill, irischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ailill — Mac Máta Ailill Mac Máta est un roi d Irlande dans la mythologie celtique. Il est l époux de la reine Medb. Le nom d Aillil signifie « le fantôme ». Cet être timoré se trouve opposé à son épouse au caractère fort, la reine Medb, qui… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ailill —    In Celtic myth an early king of Connaught whose wife Medhbh had formerly been the wife of Conchobar. The name seems to be that of a dwarf or elf, which presumably means that he was not of Celtic stock. When Fergus of Ulster had been defeated… …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

  • Ailill Molt — Ailill mac Nath Í (died c. 482), called Ailill Molt, is included in most lists of High Kings of Ireland and is also called King of Connacht. His cognomen, molt , means ram but its origin is unknown.Ailill was said to be the son of Nath Í and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ailill mac Máta — oder Ailill mac Mágach [ alʼiLʼ mak maːɣax] ist der Name eines mythischen Königs in der Legende Táin Bó Cuailnge („Der Rinderraub von Cooley“) im Ulster Zyklus der Irischen Mythologie. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Mythologie 2 Siehe auch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ailill Cruitire — mac Áedo Sláine (died 634) was a King of Brega from the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of the high king Áed Sláine mac Diarmato (died 604). [Francis J. Byrne, Irish Kings and High Kings , Table 2.] His byname… …   Wikipedia

  • Ailill Aulom — [ alʴiLʴ aulom] („Ailill ohne Ohren“), auch Ailill Ollamh oder Oilill Olum, ist im Historischen Zyklus der Irischen Mythologie der Name eines Königs von Munster aus dem 3. Jahrhundert. Er war ein Sohn des Königs Eogan Mór, der Bruder Lugaid… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ailill mac Echach Mugmedóin — was an Irish prince, the son of the high king Eochaid Mugmedón(d.362) [all dates per The Chronology of the Irish Annals , Daniel P. McCarthy] by his wife Mongfind, sister of Crimthann mac Fidaig(d.367). [Francis J.Byrne, Irish Kings and High… …   Wikipedia

  • Ailill mac Dúnlainge (died 871) — was a King of Leinster of the Uí Muiredaig sept of the Uí Dúnlainge branch of the Laigin. This sept had their royal seat at Maistiu (Mullaghmast) in South Kildare. He was the son of Dúnlaing mac Muiredaig (died 869), a previous king. [Byrne,… …   Wikipedia

  • Ailill mac Máta — Ailill (Aillell, Oilioll) mac Máta was king of Connacht and husband of Medb in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology.He was the owner of the phenomenally fertile White horned bull of Connacht, called Finnbhennach. Although the bull was born into… …   Wikipedia

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