Helmut Satzinger

Helmut Satzinger

Helmut Satzinger (January 21, 1938, in Linz) is an Austrian Egyptologist and Coptologist. He studied Egyptology, Arabic Philology and African Languages at the University of Vienna and, for 1 year, at Cairo University. Immediately after obtaining his PhD degree in 1964, he became commissioned to catalogue and publish Coptic papyri in the West Berlin section of the Egyptian Museum of Berlin.
Five years later he was appointed Assistant Curator at the Egyptian and Near Eastern Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and in 1977 he became the Head of the Department.
In 1978 he was attested the qualification for academic lecturing ("habilitation") in Egyptology at Vienna University. Since then, he has been regularly giving courses, mainly in Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian, and Egyptian Epigraphy, Art, and Museology, in Vienna, but also in Hamburg (1980), Munich (1993), at Cairo University (2000), and in Belgrade (2004, 2005). He retired from his curatorial work in 2003.
Till then, his egyptological research activities were evenly distributed between the museum (catalogues, epigraphic publications, etc.) and linguistics and (or) philology, in the main Egyptian and Coptic. Of late, he intensified his research in Afro-Asiatic language relations.


*Neuägyptische Studien. Die Partikel ir - Das Tempussystem. Vienna, 1976.
*Die negativen Konstruktionen im Alt- und Mittelägyptischen. Berlin, 1968.
*Koptische Urkunden III. Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Staatlichen Museen Berlin. Berlin, 1968.
*Stelen, Inschriftsteine und Reliefs aus der Zeit der 18. Dynastie. Conjointly with Michaela Hüttner. Mainz 1999.
*Stelen des Mittleren Reiches einschließlich der I. und II. Zwischenzeit. Part II. Conjointly with Irmgard Hein. Mainz 1993.
*Stelen des Mittleren Reiches einschließlich der I. und II. Zwischenzeit. Part I. Conjointly with Irmgard Hein. Mainz, 1989.
*Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien: Die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung. Mainz, 1994.

Further publications

Several museum and exhibition catalogues, and presentations of the Vienna Egyptian collection and its history.
More than 130 articles on Egyptological and Coptological issues, Afro-Asiatic languages, Old Nubian, etc.; about fifty book reviews.

Studies in Honour of Helmut Satzinger

*Monika R. M. Hasitzka—Johannes Diethart—Günther Dembski (eds.), Das alte Ägypten und seine Nachbarn. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Helmut Satzinger, mit Beiträgen zur Ägyptologie, Koptologie, Nubiologie und Afrikanistik. Krems, 2003 [http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:-WKctIPQfNoJ:rmcisadu.let.uniroma1.it/~iacs/satzfest.pdf+nachbarn+hasitzka+satzinger&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=at]

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