

Polyptoton is the stylistic scheme in which words derived from the same root are repeated (e.g. "strong" and "strength"). A related stylistic device is antanaclasis, in which the same word is repeated, but each time with a different sense. In inflected languages polyptoton is the same word being repeated but appearing each time in a different case. (e.g. "Iuppiter," "Iovis," "Iovi," "Iovem," "Iove" [in Latin being the nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative forms of Iuppiter (Jupiter), respectively] ).


*"The Greeks are "strong", and "skillful" to their "strength", "Fierce" to their "skill", and to their "fierceness" valiant;" William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, I, i, 7-8
*"With eager "feeding" "food" doth choke the "feeder"." William Shakespeare Richard II II,i,37
*"Not as a call to "battle", though "embattled" we are." John F. Kennedy, "Inaugural Address", January 20, 1961.
*"Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to "fear" is "fear" itself." Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "First Inaugural Address", March 1933.
*"Thou art of "blood", joy not to make things "bleed"." Sir Philip Sidney
*"We have been..."treading trodden" trails for a long, long time." Dave Matthews Band, So Much to Say, 1996


*Corbett, Edward P.J. "Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student". Oxford University Press, New York, 1971.

ee also

*Cognate object
*Figure of speech

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  • Polyptoton — Pol yp*to ton, n. [L., fr. Gr. ? having, or being in, many cases; poly s many + ? case.] (Rhet.) A figure by which a word is repeated in different forms, cases, numbers, genders, etc., as in Tennyson s line, My own heart s heart, and ownest own,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Polyptōton — (Rhet.), Wiederholung eines Hauptwortes in verschiedenen Casus, z.B. Pater hic tuus? patrem hunc appellas? patris tu hujus filius es? …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Polyptoton — Polyptoton, rhetorische Figur, die Wiederholung eines Haupt oder Zeitworts in verschiedenen Flexionsformen …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Polyptoton — Po|lyp|to|ton* das; s, ...ta <über gleichbed. lat. polyptoton aus gr. polýptōton, Neutrum von polýptōtos »mit od. in vielen Fällen«> Wiederholung desselben Wortes in einem Satz in verschiedenen Kasus (z. B. der alte Urstand der Natur kehrt… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Polyptoton — Das Polyptoton (von griech. πολύς = viel und πτωσις = Fall, Kasus) ist eine rhetorische Figur. Es bezeichnet die Wiederholung eines Wortes bzw. des Wortstammes mit Abwandlung der Flexionsform. Beispiele Cicero, Laelius de amicitia, Kapitel 5: Sed …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • polyptoton — ▪ literature       the rhetorical repetition within the same sentence of a word in a different case, inflection, or voice or of etymologically related words in different parts of speech. The device is exemplified in the following lines from T.S.… …   Universalium

  • polyptoton — noun /ˌpɑl.əpˈtoʊ.tɑn/ A stylistic scheme in which words from the same root are used together, or a word is repeated in a different inflection or case …   Wiktionary

  • Polyptoton — Po|lỵ|pto|ton auch: Po|lỵp|to|ton 〈n.; s, pto|ta; Rhet.〉 Wiederholung desselben Wortes in einem anderen Kasus, z. B. Auge um Auge [<grch. polys „viel“ + ptosis „Kasus, Fall“] * * * Polỵptoton   [griechisch, zu polýptotos »in vielen Kasus«]… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Polyptoton — Gentagelse af samme ord i flere former. Ex: bøgernes bog …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Polyptoton — Po|lỵ|pto|ton auch: Po|lỵp|to|ton 〈n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: pto|ta; Rhet.〉 Stilfigur, bei der dasselbe Wort in unterschiedlichen Kasus wieder aufgenommen wird, z. B. »homo homini lupus« [Etym.: <Poly… + grch. ptosis »Kasus, Fall«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

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