

A prolocutor is one who speaks for others (Lat. "pro", for, and "loqui", to speak); specifically the chairman of the lower house of convocation in the two provinces of the Church of England, who presides in that house and acts as representative and spokesman in the upper house. He is elected by the lower house, subject to the approval of the metropolitan.

Usage in the Anglican Church of Canada

In the Anglican Church of Canada, the prolocutor acts as the deputy to the Primate. As such, he ranks as the second executive officer of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada [ [ Glossary of the handbook of the Anglican Church of Canada] Retrieved 24 Feb 2007 ] . The current prolocutor, elected in June 2007, is The Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews.




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  • Prolocutor — Prol o*cu tor, n. [L., from proloqui, p. p. prolocutus, to speak out; pro for + loqui to speak.] [1913 Webster] 1. One who speaks for another. Jeffrey. [1913 Webster] 2. The presiding officer of a convocation. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prolocutor — index procurator, spokesman Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • PROLOCUTOR — vide supra Praeocutor …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • prolocutor — [prō läk′yo͞o tər, prō läk′yətər] n. [L, an advocate < pp. of proloqui, to declare < pro, for + loqui, to speak] 1. a spokesman 2. a chairman …   English World dictionary

  • prolocutor — prolocutorship, n. /proh lok yeuh teuhr/, n. 1. a presiding officer of an assembly; chairperson. 2. Ch. of Eng. the chairperson of the lower house of a convocation. [1400 50; late ME: one who speaks for another < L prolocutor one who speaks out,… …   Universalium

  • prolocutor — pro•loc•u•tor [[t]proʊˈlɒk yə tər[/t]] n. 1) a presiding officer; chairperson 2) a spokesperson • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME: one who speaks for another < L prōlocūtor one who speaks out …   From formal English to slang

  • prolocutor — /pral6k(y)atar/prowlok(y)atar/ In ecclesiastical law, the president or chairman of a convocation. The speaker of the house of lords is called the prolocutor. The office belongs to the lord chancellor by prescription …   Black's law dictionary

  • prolocutor — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from pro for + locutor speaker, from loqui to speak Date: 15th century 1. one who speaks for another ; spokesman 2. presiding officer ; chairman …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • prolocutor — noun a) A spokesman (person who speaks on behalf of others) b) A chairman of the lower house of a convocation in the Anglican Church …   Wiktionary

  • prolocutor — [ prəʊləˌkju:tə, prɒl , prə(ʊ) lɒkjʊtə] noun 1》 a chairperson of the lower house of convocation in a province of the Church of England. 2》 archaic or formal a spokesman. Origin ME: from L., from prolocut , proloqui speak out , from pro before +… …   English new terms dictionary

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