- Al Suhail
Al Suhail is a traditional name that can be used to refer to two different stars:
*Gamma Velorum
*Lambda Velorum
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Al Suhail is a traditional name that can be used to refer to two different stars:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Suhail — is an Arabic term meaning handsome, brilliant, glorious, easy going, at ease, peaceful . *It is a shortened version of the traditional names of two stars in the constellation Vela: :*λ Velorum, Al Suhail al Wazn, The Bright Star of the Weight (… … Wikipedia
Suhail — Constelación Vela Ascensión recta α 09h 07min 59,8s Declinación δ 43º 25’ 57’’ Distancia … Wikipedia Español
Suhail Abualsameed — Suhail Abualsameed, an immigrant to Canada from his native Jordan, is a community worker, public speaker, researcher, designer and human rights advocate.Suhail has been working with immigrant and refugee queer youth and with health related issues … Wikipedia
Suhail — (von arabisch السهيل الوزن, DMG as Suhail al Wazn) ist der Eigenname des Sterns λ Velorum (Lambda Velorum). Suhail gehört der Spektralklasse K5 an und besitzt eine scheinbare Helligkeit von +2,2 mag. Die Entfernung beträgt ca. 573… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Suhail — est le nom traditionnel parfois donné à deux étoiles : λ Velorum, γ Velorum, connue également sous le nom traditionnel Suhail Al Muhlif. Voir aussi Liste de noms traditionnels d étoiles Portail de l’astronomie … Wikipédia en Français
Suhail al Muhlif — may refer to: * Gamma Velorum * Lambda Velorum … Wikipedia
Suhail Akbar — is a fictional character in the Left Behind series of novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.BiographyAkbar is the Global Community s Director of Security and Intelligence. He, on several occasions, attempts to destroy Christians ensconced in… … Wikipedia
Suhail Al-abdool — is a famous Emirati TV and Music videos director. he owened a record label called Al abdool and 4 TV channels called Nojoom TV . he is Diana Haddad s husband … Wikipedia
Suhail al Muhlif — Gamma Velorum Gamma2 Velorum A/B Données d observation (Époque J2000.0) Ascension droite 08h 09m 32.0s Déclinaison 47° 20′ 12.0″ Constellation Voiles Magnitude apparente … Wikipédia en Français
Suhail A. Khan — articleissues unreferenced=April 2008Suhail A. Khan is a senior political appointee with the Bush Administration and a conservative political activist in Washington, D.C. Background and EducationKhan was born in Boulder, Colorado, to parents who… … Wikipedia
Muhammad Suhail Zubairy — Born October 19, 1952 (1952 10 19) (age 59) Lahore, Pakistan Residence College … Wikipedia