appendicular vein — noun a vein that accompanies the appendicular artery and empties into the ileocolic vein • Syn: ↑vena appendicularis • Hypernyms: ↑vein, ↑vena, ↑venous blood vessel … Useful english dictionary
appendicular vein — vena appendicularis … Medical dictionary
Appendicular artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteria appendicularis GraySubject = 154 GrayPage = 607 Caption = Arteries of cecum and vermiform process. (Appendicular artery labeled at bottom center right.) Caption2 = BranchFrom = Ileocolic artery… … Wikipedia
Vein — A blood vessel that carries blood low in oxygen content from the body back to the heart. The deoxygenated form of hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) in venous blood makes it appear dark. Veins are part of the afferent wing of the circulatory system… … Medical dictionary
Ileocolic vein — Infobox Vein Name = PAGENAME Latin = vena ileocolica GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = The portal vein and its tributaries. Caption2 = DrainsFrom = Source = appendicular vein DrainsTo = superior mesenteric vein Artery = ileocolic artery MeshName … Wikipedia
Hepatic portal vein — Vein: Hepatic portal vein The portal vein and its tributaries. It is formed by the superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein. Leinal vein is an old term for splenic vein. Latin … Wikipedia
Ovarian vein — Vein: Ovarian vein Ovary of a sheep. 1. ovary 2. tertiary follicle 3. proper ovarial ligament 4. fallopian tube 5. A. and V. ovarica Latin … Wikipedia
Deep dorsal vein of the penis — Vein: Dorsal veins of the penis The penis in transverse section, showing the bloodvessels … Wikipedia
Left gastric vein — Vein: Left gastric vein The portal vein and its tributaries. Latin vena gastrica sinistra Gray s … Wikipedia
Common iliac vein — Vein: Common iliac vein Veins of the abdomen and lower limb inferior vena cava, common iliac vein, external iliac vein, internal iliac vein, femoral vein and their tributaries. The aorta and its bifurcation (unlabe … Wikipedia