Vadim Bakatin

Vadim Bakatin

Vadim Viktorovich Bakatin (Вадим Викторович Бакатин) (born November 6, 1937) was a Russian Soviet political figure. He served as the interior minister of the Soviet Union from 1988 to 1990. He was the last chairman of KGB in 1991 before it ceased to exist with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and now is the last suviving former chairman. He later served as the first chairman of Interrepublican Security Service Fact|date=May 2007 between 1991 and 1992.

He was born in Kiselyovsk, Kemerovo Oblast and educated at Novosibirsk Construction Engineering Institute and Academy of Social Sciences.

Career: 1960-71 - supervisor, chief engineer, director of construction works. 1964-91 - Member of the CPSU. 1971-73 - chief engineer of housing construction combine. 1973-75 - Second Secretary of Kemerovo City Committee. 1977-83 - Secretary of Kemerovo District Committee. 1985 - Inspector of CPSU Central Committee. 1985-87 - First Secretary of Kirov District Committee. 1986-90 - Member of CPSU Central Committee. 1987-88 - First Secretary of Kemerovo District Committee. 1988-90 - USSR Minister of Internal Affairs. 1990(Jan-Nov) - Member of the Presidential Council. 1991(Aug-Dec) - Head of KGB. 1991-92 - Head of Interrepublican Security Service. 1992 - Vice-President and Director of Department of Political and International Relations of the international "Reforma" Fund.

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* [ NUPI profile]


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