Pylon (architecture)

Pylon (architecture)

Pylon is the Greek term for a monumental gateway of an Egyptian temple (Egyptian "bxn.t" in the Manuel de Codage transliteration. [Ermann & Grapow, "Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache", vol.1, 471.9-11] ) It consists of two tapering towers, each surmounted by a cornice, joined by a less elevated section which enclosed the entrance between them. [Toby Wilkinson, The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Thames 7 Hudson, 2005. p.195] The entrance was generally about half the height of the towers. Contemporary paintings of pylons show them with long poles flying banners.

In ancient Egyptian theology, the Pylon mirrored the hieroglyph for 'horizon' or "akhet", which was a depiction of two hills "between which the sun rose and set." [Wilkinson, op. cit., p.195] Consequently, it played a critical role in the symbolic architecture of a cult building which was associated with the place of recreation and rebirth. Pylons were often decorated with scenes emphasizing a king's authority since it was the public face of a cult building. [Wilkinson, op. cit., p.195] On the first Pylon of the temple of Isis at Philae, the pharaoh is shown slaying his enemies while Isis, Horus and Hathor look on. Other examples of Pylons can be seen in Luxor and Edfu.

Rituals to the god Amun who became identified with the sun god Ra were often carried out on the top of temple pylons. In addition to standard vertical grooves on the exterior face of a pylon wall which was designed to hold flag poles, some pylons also contained internal stairways and rooms. [Wilkinson, op. cit., p.195] The oldest intact pylons belong to mortuary temples from the 13th and 12th century BC Ramessside period. [Wilkinson, op. cit., p.195] A pair of obelisks usually stood in front of a pylon.

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References and links

* [ Second Pylon Karnak]


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