- Tennenbaum's theorem
Tennenbaum's theorem, named for Stanley Tennenbaum who presented the theorem in 1959, is a result in
mathematical logic that states that no countable nonstandard model of Peano arithmetic (PA) can be recursive.Recursive structures for PA
A structure in the language of PA is recursive if there are recursive functions + and × from to a recursive two-place relation < on , and distinguished constants such that
where indicates
isomorphism and is the set of (standard)natural numbers . Because the isomorphism must be a bijection, every recursive model is countable. There are many nonisomorphic countable nonstandard models of PA.tatement of the theorem
Tennenbaum's theorem states that no countable nonstandard model of PA is recursive. Moreover, neither the addition nor the multiplication of such a model can be recursive.
* Boolos, George; Burgess, John P. and Jeffrey, Richard. 2002. Computability and Logic, Fourth Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-00758-5
* Richard Kaye (1991). Models of Peano arithmetic. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-853213-X.External links
* "Tennenbaum's Theorem for Models of Arithmetic" by R. W. Kaye [http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/R.W.Kaye/papers/tennenbaum/tennenbaum]
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