HD 50499

HD 50499

Starbox short
name = HD 50499
epoch = J2000.0
constell = Puppis
ra = RA|06|52|02
dec = DEC|-33|54|56
spectral = G1V
appmag_v = 7.221
absmag_v = 3.849
dist_ly = 154.14
dist_pc = 47.26
names = HIP 32970
Simbad = HD+50499

HD 50499 is a yellow dwarf star approximately 154 light-years away in the constellation of constellation of Puppis. It is suspected that the star us hotter, larger, and more massive than the Sun. The magnitude is 7, this star is too faint to be in naked eye visibility. As of 2005, at least one extrasolar planet has been confirmed to be orbiting the star.

Planetary system

The first planet discovered, HD 50499 b, is a gas giant with mass of 1.7 times Jupiter. It is a long period, taking 351 weeks to orbit the star. The planet’s eccentric orbit passes through the average distance of 574 Gm or 18.6 μpc.

The planet was discovered by four team members including Steve Vogt in 2005 using their radial velocity method, which used to measure changes in red- and blue-shifting of the star that indicate the presence of planets caused by gravitational tug. He also indicated the existence of two additional outer planets.

exoplanet = b
mass = >1.72 ± 0.03
semimajor = 3.84 ± 0.04
period = 2458 ± 38
eccentricity = 0.25 ± 0.20
OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical
exoplanet = c
mass = 1.7
period = 6.8 y
OrbitboxPlanet hypothetical
exoplanet = d
mass = 2
period = >10 y

See also

* HD 50554

External links

*cite journal | url=http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/432901 | author=Vogt "et al." | title=Five New Multicomponent Planetary Systems| journal=The Astrophysical Journal| year=2005 | volume=632 | issue=1 | pages=638 – 658 | doi=10.1086/432901

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