- Sham Chaurasia gharana
Sham Chaurasia gharana is a
gharana (musical heritage) inHindustani classical music , known for the singing of vocal duets, most notably represented in modern times by the brothersSalamat Ali Khan andNazakat Ali Khan . The gharana is centered at a village of the same name in theHoshiarpur district ofPunjab (India) ; variant spellings include Shamchurasi etc.The gharana is believed to have been founded in the 16th century by Mian Chand Khan and Mian Suraj Khan who were contemporaries of Mian
Tansen at the court of Mughal emperorAkbar . Successive generations of musicians in the gharana specialised in thedhrupad form ofsinging and evolved a tradition of duet vocaljugalbandi performances.Mian Karim Bukhsh Majzoob, Ustad Ahmed Ali Khan, UstadNiaz Hussain Shami, and Ustad Vilayat Ali Khan weresome of the illustrious members of the Sham Chaurasi gharana.
The township of Sham Chaurasia ("sham" = evening, "chaurasi" =84) was named after a cluster of 84 villages which constituted a land revenue unit [cite news
title = A town called Eightyfour Evenings
publisher =The Tribune
url = http://www.tribuneindia.com/2003/20030628/windows/above.htm] in the time ofRanjit Singh . According to one legend, the founders were given a parcel of land here as a grant to them byAkbar .Around the turn of the century, the gharana was represented by Ustad Vilayat Ali Khan, who was noted for his dhrupad singing. His sons, Nazakat and Salamat, were to become particularly well known for their duet singing.
Nazakat and Salamat Ali Khan
Some of the most memorable classical music of modern times have been sung by the brothers Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan (1920s-1984) and Salamat Ali Khan (1934-2001). Salamat showed an early genius for music, and apparently they performed on radio in 1942, when Salamat was only 8. At the age of 11 he travelled with Nazakat to
Amritsar for a memorable concert::When the performance started, it seemed like a feast of musical notes had descended upon us in the audience. Every member of the audience was amazed and in complete awe of the duo. It was almost unbelievable that boys of that age could give such a fine performance. When the drut portion started, the brothers gave a blazing display of taans, sargams and layakari, which left the audience stunned. [cite news
title = Yaadein : Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan and Ustad Salamat Ali Khan's memorable performance at the Durgiana Temple in Amritsar.
author = M.A. Sheikh
url = http://www.sadarang.com/Yaadein-SalamatNazakat.htm
accessdate = 2007-09-20] :After the partition, the family moved to
Lahore and emerged as one of the leading performers of Classical music inPakistan . Hameed Naseem of Radio Pakistan once remarked about them: "Tansen issi tarah gata ho ga!" (the legendaryTansen must have sung like this)cite news
title = The Sufi Musician (Ustad Salamat Ali Khan)
author = S.M. Shahid
url = http://www.musicalnirvana.com/hindustani/salamat_ali_khan_articles.html
accessdate = 2007-07-20] .A number of their recordings exist from their very fruitful partnership (up to 1974). Subsequently, they broke up, and Nazakat was to die shortly, but Salamat Ali Khan continued singing along with his sonsSharafat Ali Khan and Shafqat Ali Khan, who continue the Sham Chaurasia tradition today.
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