Erika Köth

Erika Köth

Erika Köth (September 15, 1927, Darmstadt - February 21, 1989, Speyer) was a German operatic coloratura soprano, particularly associated with the role of Zerbinetta.

She began a musical studies in Darmstadt with Elsa Blank in 1942, and after an interruption resumed them in 1945. She made her stage debut in Kaiserslautern as Philine in "Mignon", in 1948, and then sang in Karlsruhe (1950-53). She made her debut at the Munich State Opera and the Vienna State Opera in 1953, and at the Berlin State Opera in 1961. She appeared regularly at the Salzburg Festival (1955-64), as the Queen of the Night and Konstanze, and in Bayreuth (1965-68), as the Woodbird. She also made guest appearances in Milan, Paris, London, etc.

Her repertory included; Susanna, Zerlina, Sophie, Lucia, Gilda, Stravinsky's "The Nightingale" and "The Rake's Progress".

She had a smallish voice of great agility with a range extending remarkably high.


* "Grove Music Online", Harold Rosenthal, May 2008.

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