

Tattersall may refer to:

* Tattersall's Limited, an Australian gambling firm, known for Tattslotto and other lotteries
* Tattersalls, an English auctioneer of race horses
* Roy Tattersall, an English cricketer of the 1950s
* Walter Medley Tattersall, an English zoologist and marine biologist
* David Tattersall, a British cinematographer
* George Tattersall, an English sporting artist of the 19th century
* Geoffrey Tattersall, a judge on the Isle of Man
* Tattersall Farm, in Haverhill, Massachusetts

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  • Tattersall — in London, 1865 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tattersall — fabric with small and even check pattern, 1891, so called because it was similar to the traditional design of horse blankets, in ref. to Tattersall s, a famous London horse market and gambler s rendezvous, founded 1766 by Richard Tattersall (1724 …   Etymology dictionary

  • tattersall — [tat′ər sôl΄] n. [after Tattersall s, a London horse market and gamblers rendezvous, founded (1766) by Richard Tattersall] a checkered pattern of dark lines on a light background adj. having such a pattern …   English World dictionary

  • Tattersall's — Tat ter*sall s, n. A famous horse market in London, established in 1766 by Richard Tattersall, also used as the headquarters of credit betting on English horse races; hence, a large horse market elsewhere. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tattersall — Tattersall, Sammelpunkt für die Freunde des Sports in London, benannt nach Richard Tattersall (gest. 1795), Bereiter des Herzogs von Kingston, der 1766 am Hydepark ein Etablissement zur Ausstellung und zum Verkauf von Pferden begründete. Durch… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Tattersall — Tattersall, Anstalt zur Wartung und zum Verkauf von (Sports )Pferden, zuerst 1777 von Richard Tattersall in London eingeführt; auch s.v.w. Reitbahn, mit Sitzreihen für Zuschauer …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Tattersall — Tạt|ter|sall 〈m. 6; früher〉 Reitschule, in der Pferde auch verkauft werden [nach dem engl. Trainer Richard Tattersall, 1724 1795] * * * Tat|ter|sall [ tatɐzal , engl.: tætəsɔ:l ], der; s, s [nach engl. Tattersall s (horse market) = Londoner… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • tattersall — noun Etymology: Tattersall s horse market, London, England Date: 1891 1. a pattern of colored lines forming squares of solid background 2. a fabric woven or printed in a tattersall pattern …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tattersall — /tat euhr sawl , seuhl/, n. 1. a pattern of squares formed by colored crossbars on a solid color, usually light background. 2. a fabric with this pattern. adj. 3. having this pattern or made of such fabric: a tattersall vest. [1890 95; after… …   Universalium

  • Tattersall — This is an ancient English surname of great complexity. It is recorded in a huge number of spelling forms including: Tattersall, Tattershall, Tattershaw, Tattersill, Tattersdill, Tettersell, Tetsall, Tittersell, Totterell, and Tatarshall, but… …   Surnames reference

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