Cap (disambiguation) — A cap is a form of headgear.Cap may also refer to: * Bottle cap, a closure to seal bottles * Screw cap, a closure to seal bottles or jars * Cap (sport), a sporting cap awarded to players representing their country * Cape (geography), the French… … Wikipedia
Tax Reform Act Of 1993 — Legislation aimed at reducing the federal deficit through a combination of increased taxes and reduced spending. This act was created by the Clinton Administration in 1993 and contained several major provisions for individuals, such as the… … Investment dictionary
Cap and Share — is the name of both an approach and a campaign to halt climate change. It is based on the belief that every human being has a right to an equal share of the Earth s very limited capacity to accept further greenhouse gas emissions before the… … Wikipedia
tax court — n often cap T&C: a court having jurisdiction over questions of law and fact arising under the tax laws of a government; specif: the federal court hearing tax cases Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. tax court … Law dictionary
Cap d'Agde — (IPA2|kap dagd) is the seaside resort of the town of Agde, France, on the Mediterranean sea in the département of Hérault, within the région of Languedoc Roussillon. Agde can be reached by TGV SNCF train direct from Paris or Lille whilst the… … Wikipedia
cap|i|ta|tion — «KAP uh TAY shuhn», noun. a tax, fee, or charge of the same amount for every person. ╂[< Late Latin capitātiō, ōnis poll tax < Latin caput, itis head] … Useful english dictionary
cap|i|tal-in|ten|sive — «KAP uh tuhl ihn TEHN sihv», adjective. requiring great expenditure of capital to increase productivity or earnings: »Repeal of the tax credit will crimp the profits of companies in capital intensive industries (Time) … Useful english dictionary
Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 — The Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 (or TIPRA, USPL|109|222, USStat|120|345) was enacted on May 17, 2006. This bill prevents several tax provisions from sunseting in the near future. The two most notable pieces of the bill… … Wikipedia
Tax Justice Network — The Tax Justice Network (TJN) is a coalition of researchers and activists with a shared concern about what they argue are the harmful impacts of tax avoidance, tax competition and tax havens, which corrupt national tax regimes and onshore… … Wikipedia
Tax-Free Savings Account — The Tax Free Savings Account or TFSA was introduced by Jim Flaherty, Canadian federal Minister of Finance, in Budget 2008. It was a significant measure in the budget and will be coming into effect on January 1st, 2009. [“Get ready for new Tax… … Wikipedia