Break fast

Break fast

A break-fast is the meal eaten after Jewish fast days such as Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av. During a Jewish fast, no food or drink is consumed, including bread and water. The major fasts last over 25 hours, from before sundown on the previous night until after sundown on the day of the fast. [cite web |url= |title=Jewish Holiday and Event scheduling] Four other shorter fasts during the year begin at dawn and end after sunset. [cite web |url= | The fast of the tenth of tevet |accessdate=2008-09-22]

To break the fast, it is customary to eat a light meal consisting of salads and dairy foods. [ How to break your fast] Heavy food on an empty stomach is usually avoided. Sometimes the fast is broken with tea and cake before eating a full meal. [] A drink of milk or juice before the post-fast meal helps the body to readjust and diminishes the urge to overeat or eat too rapidly. []

Customs for the first food eaten after the Yom Kippur fast differ. Iranian Jews often eat a mixture of shredded apples mixed with rose water called "faloodeh seeb." Polish and Russian Jews will have tea and cake. Syrian and Iraqi Jews eat round sesame crackers that look like mini-bagels. Turkish and Greek Jews sip a sweet drink made from melon seeds. Some people start with herring to replace the salt lost during fasting. []

Orthodox Jews generally do not eat meat and wine at the break-fast after Tisha B'Av because the burning of the Temple on the 9th of Av is said to have continued until noon on the 10th of Av. [] Even when the 9th of Av falls and Shabbat and Tisha B'Av is observed on the 10th, though all other Nine Days restrictions end with the fast, wine and meat are customarily still not consumed at the break fast.


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