Ebrié — The Ebrié are a people living in the Abidjan region of Côte d Ivoire.The lagoon separating the Plateau neighborhood from the rest of the city is often called the Ebrié lagoon. The Ebrié represent approximately 0.7% of the country s population … Wikipedia
Abidjan — District d Abidjan City … Wikipedia
Principal national parks of the world — ▪ Table Principal national parks of the world Africa Europe and Russia Asia North America and the Caribbean Australia and Oceania South America Africa country national park date area description protected status national park status square miles… … Universalium
Jacqueville — is one of the fifty eight departments of Côte d Ivoire, and also the name of the chief town of that department. Jacqueville Department is part of the Lagunes Region. The town of Jacqueville is so named because it was the first place in Côte d… … Wikipedia
Abidjan — /ab i jahn /; Fr. /ann bee jahonn /, n. a seaport in and the commercial capital of the Ivory Coast. 1,850,000. * * * Largest city (pop., 1999 est.: 3,199,000) and chief port of Côte d Ivoire. Abidjan was a rail terminus from 1904; after its… … Universalium
Grand-Bassam — city … Wikipedia
Tiagba — is a lake village in the Ébrié Lagoon of Côte d Ivoire, known for its traditional houses built on stilts. It is also a prime tourist attraction in Côte d Ivoire because of its individuality … Wikipedia
Bingerville — is a city in south eastern Côte d Ivoire, lying on the Ébrié Lagoon. Originally a market town, it grew as the capital of the then colony from 1909 until 1934. It is named after Louis Gustave Binger, a former French colonial governor. 2005… … Wikipedia
Komoé River — The Komoé River is a river in West Africa. The river originates in Burkina Faso, is joined by the Léraba River, then forms the border between Burkina Faso and Côte d Ivoire until it enters Côte d Ivoire near Ferké, where it is the major drainage… … Wikipedia
Marcory — Town and commune Country Côte d Ivoire Region … Wikipedia