- HLA-A33
locus = A
type = 33
allelegroup = 33
broad = 19 | sister1 = 74 | sister2 = 32 | sister3 = 31 | sister4 = 30| sister5 = 29
alleles = 2
common_alleles = 2
rare_alleles = 0
alias =
nick1 = A33
cNick2 = A33.3
cAllele2 = 03
mode =Subsaharan Africa
lead_comment =
types = 2
2ndType = 19
allele1 = 01 | type1alle1freq = 87 |type2alle1freq = 3 |N1 = 687
allele2 = 03 | type1alle2freq = 95 | |N2 = 807
serotype_comment = has a poor serotyping rateA33 frequencies
When dealing with haplotypes, if one assumes that linkage disequilibrium is random, then one can estimate the time of equilibration based on the size of the haplotype, the A-B-DR haplotype is over 2 million nucleotides in length. Given this length it is unlikely it spread during the
Neolithic period. A more like guess as to when it spread was the early historic period, with the spread of the Phoenician andMycenaean culture throughout themediterranean . Its presence inIndia , particularly northern India, indicates possible spread of this haplotype within the Black Sea region prior to the migration of Indo-Aryan culture across the Indus River. The specific nomenclature for this type is:
A*3301 : C*0802 : B*1402 : DRB1*0102 : DQA1*0102 : DQB1*0501A33-B44
This haplotype appears to precede A33-B58 in Asia, bringing with it the DR7-DQ2 haplotype.There are two versions of the haplotype, possibly of different origins, its a good reason why serotyping alone should not be relied upon. The first haplotype is A33-Cw14-B44-DR13-DQ6.4cite journal | author = Saito S, Ota S, Yamada E, Inoko H, Ota M | title = Allele frequencies and haplotypic associations defined by allelic DNA typing at HLA class I and class II loci in the Japanese population | journal = Tissue Antigens | volume = 56 | issue = 6 | pages = 522–9 | year = 2000 | pmid = 11169242 | doi = ]
A*3303 : C*1403 : B*4403 : DRB1*1302 : DQA1*0102 : DQB1*0604 : DPB1*0401
This haplotype is found in Japan and Korea, and it is the most common 5 locus HLA type in Korea, high at 4.2%, 25 times higher than in China. In Japan it is 4.8% and can be extended to DPB1 at 3.6%. While clearly not showing the level of disequilibrium of the Super B8 haplotype, the level of disequilibrium is high, indicating an expansive migration into these regions at some time in the recent past, most likely in the period precedeing the Yayoi period of Japan.
A*3303 : C*0701 : B*4403 : DRB1*0701 : DQA1*0201? : DQB1*0202
Within eastern Asia A*3303 is in linkage dissiquilbrium with on haplotype in particular, the specific genetic makeup is:
A*3303 : C*0302 : B*5801 : DRB1*0301 : DQA1*0501 : DQB1*0201
It is interesting that the Cw allele in the Pakistani population is the same as the allele in the east Asian population C*0302. 8.3 of 11.1% of the A33-B58 in the Baloch Pakistani can is linked to DR3 and presumbably DQ2.5 (There are few exceptions outside of Africa). This extends a haplotype the forms a semi-circle around the Indian subcontinent indicating a subsantive and relatively recent genetic relationship. The parsis of Pakistan lack A33-B58, as with groups to the far west of Pakistan. The A33-B58-DR3-DQ2 haplotype appears to have originated in whole from West Africa, with current possibilities for Sudan or Northern Ethiopia as points of exit from Africa and a migration by the Indian ocean to the western side of the Indus River.
Within eastern Asia A*3303 is in linkage dissiquilbrium with on haplotype in particular, the specific genetic makeup is:
A*3303 : C*0701 : B*5801 : DRB1*1302 : DQA1*0102 : DQB1*0609
This haplotype is composed of genes most frequent in parts of western Africa. This includes the A*3303, B*5801, DRB1*1302, and DQB1*0609. The DRB1*0609 haplotype in nodal in east/central Africa in the Ugandan, Rwanda, Congo, Cameroon whereas the allele is at low frequencies in Western Europe, and its distribution is also consistent with a migration from east Africa direct to the Lower Indus River.
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