Leo Orenstein

Leo Orenstein

Leo Orenstein was born in Montreal and is now living and writing in Toronto. He has had many creative jobs in stage, radio, film and television : as: writer, producer, and director.

On contract for 12 years at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto, where Orenstein was , he produced and directed over 150 Canadian, British and American television dramas, many of which were adaptations of works by such authors as Chekhov, Ibsen, George Bernard Shaw and Ionesco.His first original and professional stage play The Big Leap, which he also directed and produced, was performed at Toronto's Royal Alexandra Theatre. It received a glowing review in Variety and came to the attention of two Broadway producers, Cheryl Crawford and John York. It was optioned to John York and subsequently performed in summer theatres in the U.S. and Canada.

Many years after the initial production of The Big Leap, it was revived for a four year run at dinner theatre productions at the Brock Hotel and other venues in the Niagara Falls region.

Filmography by TV series

* "The Starlost" (2 episodes)

1. Lazarus from the Mist (29 September 1973) - Director 2. The Pisces (13 October 1973) - Director
* "First Performance" (1 episode)

1. Time Lock (3 October 1956) - Producer

CBC's End Of Summer, produced by Leo Orenstein

CBC Television Theatre (1952) Harlan Ellison Conception The Starlost: The Return (1973) Marc Wilkinson Composer (Music Score) The Starlost: The Return (1973) Mavor Moore Executive Producer CBC Television Theatre (1952) Silvio Narizzano Producer CBC Television Theatre (1952) Joe Austin Producer Ad and Lib (1954) Peter McDonald Producer CBC Television Theatre (1952) Loyd Brydon Director CBC Television Theatre (1952) Robert Allen Producer CBC Television Theatre (1952)

2 Drama 2 Sci-Fi 1 Comedy 1 Fantasy 1 Horror

Genre: Drama [top]

1. "The Unforeseen" (1960) TV Series [Director] 2. "First Performance" [Producer] - Time Lock (1956) TV Episode [Producer]

Genre: Sci-Fi [top]

1. "The Starlost" [Director] - The Pisces (1973) TV Episode [Director] - Lazarus from the Mist (1973) TV Episode [Director] 2. "The Unforeseen" (1960) TV Series [Director]

Genre: Comedy [top]

1. "Ad and Lib" (1954) TV Series [Producer]

Genre: Fantasy [top]

1. "The Unforeseen" (1960) TV Series [Director]

Genre: Horror [top]

1. "The Unforeseen" (1960) TV Series [Director]

External links

* [ CBC]
* [http://www.theatrebc.org/playcomp/18thpwc/winners06.htm Wins Theatre BC's Canadian National Playwriting Competition]

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