

"Luceafăr" in Romanian is the name of the [ morning star] (the planet Venus) which in Romanian folklore is associated with demons but is also linked to the Greek Titan Hyperion. Mihai Eminescu wrote a poem named "Luceafărul" detailing some of the attributes that Romanian lore associated with the morning star.

The name "Luceafăr" is similar with the Latin "Lucifer", "Light-bearer". In Romanian, it is related to the verb "luci" and the noun "luciu", meaning shining.

Eminescu speaks about "ochi lucii" in [ Sus în curtea cea domnească] (Up in that garden of lords/kings). He describes three types of eyes:
* "negru înfundat" and "mari": black, big and dark, a sunken, deep and nightly black, belonging to a person who is cruel and cold;
* "de foc": of fire, for young white ("pal") beautiful girls with light coming out of their eyes;
* "lucii" and "multi": "lucious" and many, they love the light and stay on a white big table in a big room with many guests who speak kindly.

On the contrary, for the sun "shining" there is "strălucire". "Stră" is from Latin, whereas "extra" is a composition element when something is ancient and far away.

There is also the verb "a lumina" which means "iluminate" or "enlight" (make the light come into a place, for example after opening a window when you can say that "s-a luminat camera" which means "the room has been lit").

With this name:
*Venus in the morning:
*Venus late:
*Star Vega from Lira:
*Star Aldebaran from Taureau:
*Star Sirius from Canis Major:
*Star(?) Hyperion:

ee also

*Earendel, Anglo-Saxon personification of the Morning Star.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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