- Saskia Ozinga
Saskia Luutsche Ozinga (Netherlands - ) is an environmental and social activist. She is the facilitator of the
Forest Movement Europe (FME) and the co-founder of the NGOFERN , of which she is currently the campaigns coordinator. [FERN site - [http://www.fern.org/contact.html Contacts] ]Saskia Ozinga holds Masters degrees in Biology and Healthcare from the University of Utrecht,
Netherlands . After working as a teacher for environmental sciences at the University in Utrecht, Saskia Ozinga joinedFriends of the Earth . She worked as an education officer for Friends of the Earth Netherlands from 1987 until 1990, when she took on the position of forest campaigner. In 1991, Saskia took on the role of facilitator of the newly createdForest Movement Europe (FME), role that she still hosts at present.In March 1995 Saskia co-founded, together with Sian Pettman, the organisation
FERN with a mandate to monitorEU activities in relation to forests, inform and educate theForest Movement Europe about these activities and facilitate joint advocacy work towards the different EU institutions. At present she is also a board member ofForest Peoples Programme , StichtingTropenbos International andTaiga Rescue Network , and member of the steering committee of theWorld Rainforest Movement .She now lives with her partner Mark Gregory and her daughter Luutsche Ozinga in Oxfordshire. Mark is a BBC Radio World Service Journalist and Luutsche is a student at Burford School and Community College.
*" [http://www.fern.org/media/documents/document_4198_4199.pdf Funding forests into the future? How the European Fund for Rural Development affects Europe’s forests] . Ed Fenton, Leontien Krul, Saskia Ozinga and Richard Wainwright (2008)
*" [http://www.fern.org/media/documents/document_3914_3917.pdf Provoking change - A toolkit for African NGOs] ". Saskia Ozinga andIola Leal Riesco (2007)
* " [http://www.fern.org/media/documents/document_3479_3480.pdf Funding Europe's Forests - How to use EU funds for sustainable forest management and nature protection] ". Leontien Krul and Saskia Ozinga(2006)
* " [http://www.fern.org/media/documents/document_1890_1900.pdf Footprints in the Forest; Current practice and future challenges in forest certification] ". Saskia Ozinga (2004)
* " [http://www.fern.org/pubs/reports/EU-guide.pdf A Guide to EU campaigning] ". Saskia Ozinga and Emily Thenard (2004)
* " [http://www.fern.org/pubs/reports/cbd/finalcbd.pdf Status of Implementation of Forest-Related Clauses in the CBD] ". Berenice Muraille and Saskia Ozinga (2002)
* " [http://www.fern.org/media/documents/document_1587_1588.pdf Controlling the imports of illegally sourced timber. Options for Europe] ". Duncan Brack; Chantal Marijnissen and Saskia Ozinga (2002)
* " [http://www.fern.org/pubs/reports/behind/btlpage.html Behind the logo, a social and environmental impact assessment of forest certification schemes.] " Saskia Ozinga (2001)
* "What Progress? A review of the implementation of the IPF Proposals by Actions by different Governments". Saskia Ozinga, Sofia Ryder, Bill Mankin and Hans Verolme (2000)
* "The implementation of the IPF Proposals for action in Europe". Saskia Ozinga, Sofia Ryder (2000)
* "The impact of trade liberalisation in the forest products sector". Saskia Ozinga; Tim Rice; Chantal Marijnissen and Mark Gregory (2000)
* " [http://www.fern.org/pubs/reports/tradelib.pdf Trade liberalisation and its impact on forests, an overview of the relevant issues] ". Saskia Ozinga; Tim Rice; Chantal Marijnissen and Mark Gregory (2000)
* " [http://www.fern.org/pubs/archive/aidiucnd.htm EG hulp naar tropische bossen, naar een nieuwe koers] (An evaluation of EC Aid policies to Tropical Forests)". Saskia Ozinga (1999)
* "Europe and the world's forests. Edited and published together with the Forest People's programme". Saskia Ozinga and Marcus Colchester (1998)
* "Forest Certification at the EU-level". Saskia Ozinga (1997)
* "Production and consumption of timber and timber products, with an emphasis on the Netherlands". Saskia Ozinga (1995)References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.