Ignatius III David

Ignatius III David

Ignatius III David was the Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church (1222—1252)

Jerusalem's Coptic Bishop

Pope Cyril III of Alexandria used the increasing military and political power of Egypt over Jerusalem to appoint a Coptic Orthodox bishop of that church, which until then had been the prerogative of the Patriarch of Antioch. This angered Patriarch Ignatius III David, who retaliated by attempting unsuccessfully to fill the vacancy of "Abuna" or metropolitan for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. This was a very rare incident between the two churches as in general their relationship is one of the strongest between any two churches. [ History of the Coptic Church, Abouna Menassa Elkomos Youhanna 1923 ]

ee also

*List of Syriac Orthodox Patriarchs of Antioch
*Syriac Orthodox Church


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