- Kardag
Kardag is a
village in theTibet Autonomous Region ofChina .ee also
List of towns and villages in Tibet External links and references
* [http://fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Kardag.html Fallingrain.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Kardag is a
ee also
External links and references
* [http://fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Kardag.html Fallingrain.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
List of towns and villages in the Tibet Autonomous Region — A comprehensive A Z List of cities, towns and villages in the Tibet Autonomous Region of western China. [http://encarta.msn.com/mediacenter 1 33317/Tibet.html Maps Alamdo Chalukong] A*Alamdo *Alhar *Arza *AsogB*Baga *Bagar *Baicang… … Wikipedia
Visperad — or Visprad is either a particular Zoroastrian religious ceremony, or the name given to a passage collection within the greater Avesta compendium of texts.The Visperad ceremony consists of the rituals of the Yasna, virtually unchanged, but with a… … Wikipedia
Авеста — Страница из манускрипта Авесты. Ясна 12 Зо … Википедия