Variations on a Theme of Chopin (Rachmaninoff)
- Variations on a Theme of Chopin (Rachmaninoff)
"Variations on a Theme of Chopin" ( _ru. Вариации на тему Ф. Шопена, "Variatsii na temu F. Shopena"), Op. 22, is a group of 22 variations on Frederic Chopin's "Prelude in C minor" (Op. 28, No. 20), composed by Russian Sergei Rachmaninoff in 1902-03.
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* [ - Sheet music download]
* [ - Audio download]
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Variations sur un thème de Chopin de Rachmaninov — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Frederico Mompou et Ferruccio Busoni. Variations sur un thème de Chopin (russe : Вариации на тему Ф. Шопена, Variatsii na temu F. Shopena), Op. 22, est un groupe de 22 variations sur le Prélude en Do mineur … Wikipédia en Français
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Preludes (Chopin) — Prelude No. 15, page 1 (autograph) Frédéric Chopin wrote a number of preludes for piano solo. Contents 1 24 Preludes, Op. 28 … Wikipedia
Serge Rachmaninoff — Sergueï Rachmaninov Sergueï Rachmaninov Naissance 1er avril 1873 Semionovo, Russie Décès … Wikipédia en Français
Sergei Rachmaninoff — Sergueï Rachmaninov Sergueï Rachmaninov Naissance 1er avril 1873 Semionovo, Russie Décès … Wikipédia en Français
Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff — Sergueï Rachmaninov Sergueï Rachmaninov Naissance 1er avril 1873 Semionovo, Russie Décès … Wikipédia en Français
Prelude in G minor (Rachmaninoff) — The first measure introduces the prelude s idiosyncratic jumps. Prelude in G minor, Op. 23, No. 5, was a music piece by Sergei Rachmaninoff, completed in 1901.[1] It was included in his Opus 23 set of ten preludes despite having been written two… … Wikipedia
Morceaux de salon (Rachmaninoff) — Morceaux de salon (French for Salon Pieces ; Russian: Салонные Пьесы, Salonnyye Pyesy), Op. 10, is a set of solo piano pieces composed by Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff in 1894. Contents 1 Individual pieces 1.1 Nocturne in A minor … Wikipedia