- Sheffield Sword Club
Sheffield Sword Club is a
fencing club that meets at theEnglish Institute of Sport - Sheffield . The club encourages all ages and abilities, and runs regular beginner sessions throughout the year, as well as having James Williams who is a three timeOlympian who coaches the better athletes.The club meets on a Monday and Thursday between 7pm and 10pm at the
English Institute of Sport - Sheffield and all three weapons (foil,épée and sabre) are fenced.History
Sheffield Sword Club was first formed in 1910 and continued until 1984 when it separated and formed a couple of additional separate clubs, the main club fizzeled out, the name remained unused until 2005 when it was reformed at the
English Institute of Sport - Sheffield and since then has grown to be the largest club in the area. This was due in the main part to its principal coach, James Williams, who's reputation in the fencing world is second to non, and the work that he has done with the club, and the community.External links
* [http://www.sheffieldswordclub.co.uk/ Sheffield Sword Club Official Site]
* [http://www.fie.ch/ Federation International d'Escrime website]
* [http://www.britishfencing.com/ British Fenicing website]
* [http://www.englandfencing.co.uk/ England Fencing website]
* [http://www.yorkshirefencing.org.uk/ Yorkshire Fencing website]
* [http://www.southyorkshirefencing.co.uk/ South Yorkshire Fencing website]
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