W. T. Pfefferle

W. T. Pfefferle

W.T. Pfefferle is an author and poet born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, but who was based in Texas for many years. His half-sister is the noted Canadian landscape photographer, Camille Wolfson-Pfefferle.

He's the author of four books. The most recent is "The Meager Life and Modest Times of Pop Thorndale", a poetry collection that won the Stevens Poetry Manuscript Prize.

He has worked as a college professor, most recently at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He co-authored "Plug In: The Guide to Music on the Internet" with Ted M. Gurley, a media executive in Texas. Pfefferle also wrote "Writing What Matters", a collegiate writing textbook. In 2004, Pfefferle published "Poets on Place," the story of his year-long trip around America interviewing and photographing American poets: Mark Strand, Rita Dove, Denise Duhamel, Charles Wright, Mark Wunderlich, Henry Taylor, David St. John, and Nikki Giovanni.

External links

* [http://wtp62.com Official website]
* [http://www.georgetownnews.com/articles/2007/01/14/news/news03.txt Interview with W. T. Pfefferle]
* [http://www.georgetowncollege.edu/News/2007/1-31-07.htm Georgetown College Press Release For "Pop Thorndale"]
* [http://www.vqronline.org/articles/2006/fall/pfefferle-bad-history/ "Bad History" poem from Virginia Quarterly Review]
* [http://review.antioch.edu/detail.php?id=872 "Second Marriage" poem from Antioch Review]

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