- Arawale National Reserve
The Arawale National Reserve is a designated conservation area managed by the Garissa County in assistance with the
Kenyan Wildlife Service . It lies in North Eastern Province of Kenya, 77 km south of the town ofGarissa . The reserve covers an area of 450 km2. To the west, it is bordered by theTana River and, to the east, by the Garissa-Lamu road.
In 1976, the reserve was gazetted as the only "in-situ" conservation site for the critically endangeredHirola population endemic to north-eastern Kenya and south-westSomalia .Wildlife
The reserve is a critical refuge for a range of wildlife species including four globally threatened species:
Hirola ,Grevy’s Zebra ,African Wild Dog andCheetah . A study commissioned byTerra Nuova in 2006 also showed signs of presence of theAfrican Elephant (1).References
# Njoroge, P. et al. (2007) Densities, biomass and habitat preference of large mammals in Arawale National Reserve, Kenya. "National Environmental Management Authority of Kenya".
* Andaje, S. A. (2002) Factors limiting the Abundance and Distribution of Hirola in Tsavo and Tana River Districts. "Kenyan Wildlife Service: Biodiversity Conservation Unit".
* Antipa, R. S, Ali, M. H. and Hussein, A. A. (2007) [http://www.terranuova.info/file_download/48 Assessment of the Potential of Eco/Cultural Tourism as Viable Enterprises in Southern Garissa, Ijara and Lamu Districts: A Community Conservation and Enterprise Support Initiative] . "National Environmental Management Authority of Kenya".
* Muchai, M. et al. (2007) [http://www.terranuova.info/file_download/57 The Distribution, Abundance and Habitat Use of the Hunter's Hartebeest (Hirola); Beatragus hunteri; Sclater, 1889 in Ishaqibini Community Wildlife Conservancy and Arawale National Reserve, Kenya] . "National Museums of Kenya".External links
* [http://www.terranuova.org Terra Nuova webpage]
* [http://www.terranuova.info/progetti/prog_risorse_kenia Transboundary Environmental Project (TEP) by Terra Nuova]
* [http://www.edgeofexistence.org/species/top_100.asp EDGE Species]
* [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/6234/summ IUCN Red List]
* [http://www.terranuova.info/articoli/transboundary-environmental-project Transboundary Environmental Project of Terra Nuova]
* [http://www.nema.go.ke/about.html National Environmental Management Authority of Kenya.]
* [http://www.kws.org/ Kenyan Wildlife Service]
* [http://www.museums.or.ke/ National Museums of Kenya]
* [http://www.africanconservation.org/ African Conservation Foundation]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.