Arawale National Reserve

Arawale National Reserve

The Arawale National Reserve is a designated conservation area managed by the Garissa County in assistance with the Kenyan Wildlife Service. It lies in North Eastern Province of Kenya, 77 km south of the town of Garissa. The reserve covers an area of 450 km2. To the west, it is bordered by the Tana River and, to the east, by the Garissa-Lamu road.
In 1976, the reserve was gazetted as the only "in-situ" conservation site for the critically endangered Hirola population endemic to north-eastern Kenya and south-west Somalia.


The reserve is a critical refuge for a range of wildlife species including four globally threatened species: Hirola, Grevy’s Zebra, African Wild Dog and Cheetah. A study commissioned by Terra Nuova in 2006 also showed signs of presence of the African Elephant (1).


# Njoroge, P. et al. (2007) Densities, biomass and habitat preference of large mammals in Arawale National Reserve, Kenya. "National Environmental Management Authority of Kenya".
* Andaje, S. A. (2002) Factors limiting the Abundance and Distribution of Hirola in Tsavo and Tana River Districts. "Kenyan Wildlife Service: Biodiversity Conservation Unit".
* Antipa, R. S, Ali, M. H. and Hussein, A. A. (2007) [ Assessment of the Potential of Eco/Cultural Tourism as Viable Enterprises in Southern Garissa, Ijara and Lamu Districts: A Community Conservation and Enterprise Support Initiative] . "National Environmental Management Authority of Kenya".
* Muchai, M. et al. (2007) [ The Distribution, Abundance and Habitat Use of the Hunter's Hartebeest (Hirola); Beatragus hunteri; Sclater, 1889 in Ishaqibini Community Wildlife Conservancy and Arawale National Reserve, Kenya] . "National Museums of Kenya".

External links

* [ Terra Nuova webpage]
* [ Transboundary Environmental Project (TEP) by Terra Nuova]
* [ EDGE Species]
* [ IUCN Red List]
* [ Transboundary Environmental Project of Terra Nuova]
* [ National Environmental Management Authority of Kenya.]
* [ Kenyan Wildlife Service]
* [ National Museums of Kenya]
* [ African Conservation Foundation]

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