Shadows of P'Jem

Shadows of P'Jem

ST episode
name = Shadows of P'Jem

series = Enterprise
ep_num = 14
prod_num = 115
date = February 6, 2002
writer = Rick Berman
Brannon Braga
Teleplay by:
Mike Sussman
Phyllis Strong
director = Mike Vejar
guest = Jeffrey Combs
Gregory Itzin
Steven Dennis
Vaughn Armstrong
Gary Graham
Barbara J. Tarbuck
Jeff Kober
stardate = Unknown
year = 2151
prev = Sleeping Dogs
next = Shuttlepod One

"Shadows of P'Jem" is the 14th episode (production #115) of television series . It has a favourable rating of 3.9 out of 5 according to the official site [ Shadows of P'Jem] at]


Captain Archer and subcommander T'Pol are kidnapped while en route to a planet in the Coridan system, which results in a confrontation between Vulcan and Andorian forces.citation|url=|title=Shadows of P'Jem|author=Timothy W. Lynch|date=01/03/2002|publisher=SF Crowsnest]


;TeaserStarfleet Headquarters, San Francisco. The Vulcan delegation, headed by Ambassador Soval, is meeting with Admiral Forrest. They complain about the recent diplomatic incident at P'Jem, when the Andorians discovered a Vulcan listening post. Soval blames the discovery on the interference of Archer and the crew of the "Enterprise". Forrest doesn't agree, claiming that the situation was volatile before Starfleet was involved. Soval states that Archer is too impulsive as Captain - the "Enterprise" should have been commanded by Captain Gardner instead. Soval goes on to say that he has been recalled to Vulcan for consultation. While this is ongoing, the joint fleet operations are suspended. As the Vulcans leave his office, Forrest calls for Archer to be contacted via subspace.

;Act OneOver breakfast in the Captain's Mess, Archer tells Chief Engineer Trip Tucker that he has changed course to explore a new system that he found in the Vulcan database - Coridan. There are three billion humanoids in the system and the Vulcans have a mining agreement with the system. The database says that the Coridans have the largest starship construction yards in the sector. Some of the ships are supposed to have reached warp 7, better than the Vulcans. Trip looks crestfallen when he hears this; Archer is only taking Hoshi as the Coridan Chancellor requested a small Away Team. Archer breaks his poker face and Trip laughs at the small deception. Hoshi hails to say that Admiral Forrest is calling on subspace.

In his Ready Room, Archer hears that the Andorians have bombarded the monastery at P'Jem from orbit. The monks all survived as they were given three hours to evacuate. Forrest then delivers his next piece of bad news - T'Pol is to be recalled from her post on the "Enterprise".

Archer summons T'Pol to deliver the news. The ship to take T'Pol back to Vulcan will rendezvous with the "Enterprise" in two days. T'Pol accepts the situation calmly. Archer says that he will lodge a protest with the Vulcan High Council, as T'Pol is being used as a scapegoat.

Later, Archer and Trip walk through the corridors of the ship. Archer tells Trip that he has to take T'Pol on the Away Mission rather than him, as he needs to spend some time alone with her. He will fill Trip in over lunch. In the Mess Hall, Doctor Phlox walks over to T'Pol's table. She is staring into space, her meal untouched. She tells Phlox why she is being transferred and he tells her that the High Command has tried this before with other Vulcan officers on human starships. None of them lasted more than a few weeks but T'Pol has been on board for more than six months. Phlox leaves T'Pol with the message that there will be a going-away party for her soon, planned by the crew.

The shuttlepod departs for Coridan, Archer and T'Pol aboard. T'Pol asks why she was selected for this mission. Archer says that the Coridans haven't met humans before and he wanted someone familiar with both races to make the introductions. Archer also states that he thought T'Pol might enjoy one final mission with him before she leaves.

On approach to the Coridan capital city, the shuttlepod is fired upon by a fixed-wing vessel, which then orders Archer to change course to 317 mark 5. Archer fires on the enemy ship with plasma guns but misses; the alien ship doubles back and hits the shuttlepod's engines.

;Act TwoLater, Archer and T'Pol are bound together back-to-back and hooded in a dark room in a large surface structure. Rain beats down relentlessly outside. Archer says that Houdini couldn't escape from his restraints and T'Pol suggests bringing him on Archer's next Away Mission. The door opens and Traeg enters. He tells Archer that the government of Coridan is kept in power by the Vulcans, so he must be "on the wrong side". T'Pol lies to Traeg, claiming that Archer is the ship's steward, on Coridan to prepare a banquet for the Chancellor.

On board the "Enterprise", Trip is told by the Chancellor that the shuttlepod was forced down by a radical faction. She goes on, saying that radicals must not be negotiated with and no technology must be exchanged for Archer and T'Pol. Trip orders Hoshi to scan for the shuttlepod's power signature in order to locate the hostages.

On Coridan, Archer and T'Pol try to stand up. They turn around in their bonds to try to untie the knots. While freeing themselves, Archer tells T'Pol that she is not to blame. She doesn't listen and says that living among humans has caused her reasoning to become compromised. As they untie their legs, a guard enters suddenly. Archer knocks him to the floor and T'Pol grabs his fallen gun. Traeg enters and levels his gun at them, ending their escape attempt.

In orbit, Trip and Reed study a sensor readout showing a ditanium signature trace 4km outside of the city, in the middle of a shanty town. Hoshi receives a hail from the surface. Traeg demands forty phase weapons for the return of Archer and T'Pol, signing off by saying that he will hail again at the same time tomorrow. Reed says that the "Enterprise" only has fifteen phase weapons and that there's no guarantee that the radicals would keep to their word even if the weapons were handed over. The "Enterprise" is then hailed by the Vulcan ship "Ni'Var". Trip informs Captain Sopek of the kidnapping who then takes charge of the investigation, warning the humans against taking any foolish actions.

;Act ThreeSopek and his aide meet Trip and Reed in the "Enterprise"'s Situation Room. Sopek plans his rescue mission, saying that the "Enterprise" is ill-equipped to handle this situation. Sopek says that the Coridan Chancellor has given him full authority to implement the rescue mission. Trip refuses to hand over information on the location of Archer and T'Pol and the Vulcans leave.

Trip orders Reed to get the shuttlepod ready.

On Coridan, Archer and T'Pol are bound hand and foot on either side of the room. A guard brings them a meal but doesn't loosen their bonds enough for them to eat. Archer discovers an Andorian communicator in his bowl of gruel.

On board the "Enterprise", Hoshi receives a hail from Sopek, demanding to speak to Trip. She denies knowledge of the target coordinates of the shuttle and ends the transmission abruptly, claiming interference. On the surface, Trip and Reed walk around the shanty town, scanning as they go. They are set upon by cloaked figures, hooded and hustled away. A short while later, their hoods are removed and Trip and Reed meet Commander Shran and Tholos of the Andorian Imperial Guard. Trip asks why they should trust the Andorian and Shran replies that he is in their debt since P'Jem and wants to pay Archer back. Shran shows Trip and Reed a scan of the compound where Archer and T'Pol are being held, the detail coming from an operative they have working there. Trip convinces Shran to let the humans help the Andorians in the rescue mission. Trip hails Archer to tell him of the rescue mission.

;Act FourTrip approaches the gates in a cloak, offering the guards Andorian ale as a distraction for the Andorian agent to let Shran and Tholos in to the compound. The guards hear a sound and hold Trip while they investigate. His cries and struggles mask Shran and Tholos' climb up the ladder to the battlements to remove the guards on patrol. Shran opens the gate for them, and the four make their way to the prison building.

At that moment a large explosion erupts from the fuel depot, surprising the four. It is a Vulcan rescue mission. The Andorian agent runs in to Archer and T'Pol but is shot by a stray Vulcan phaser blast before he can untie them. Reed and Tholos provide cover for Trip and Shran to finish the job. Shran hands back T'Pol's tricorder to Archer, containing the scans of the listening post at P'Jem.

The Andorians and Vulcans confront one another amid the wreckage of the compound. As they argue about treaty violations, T'Pol notices one of the radicals moving to target the group. She pushes Sopek out of the way and takes the phaser blast meant for him. Archer gathers her up and leaves with his Away Team. "You should be the one dying, not her", states Shran as he leaves.

;Act FiveIn Sickbay, Phlox treats T'Pol. Sopek arrives to ask about her condition. Archer asks that T'Pol be given a second chance; Sopek can give the High Command an encomium on T'Pol's behalf. His status would give credence to her claim. Sopek agrees to discuss the matter with them. As they leave, Phlox revives T'Pol with a hypospray. Archer tells her about the conversation and says that T'Pol will be on the "Enterprise" for a while longer. T'Pol says that she can't go after Sopek to return to Vulcan as that would violate her doctor's orders. Archer smiles as he leaves Sickbay.

ignificance for later episodes

* The events of this episode (coupled with that of "The Andorian Incident") proved to be the basis for many future occurrences and plot devices in the following three seasons of "Star Trek: Enterprise". These included many underhanded reprisal attempts directed against both Captain Archer and T'Pol by the Vulcan High Council, and the developing trust and respect between Archer and the Andorian commander Shran.
* There would also be long-ranging implications for T'Pol and for her family, as revealed in the fourth season episode, "".

Critical reception

Despite being generally considered one of the first season's best episodes, "Shadows of P'Jem" sparked controversy at the time of broadcast over a tongue-in-cheek scene in which T'Pol and Archer, tied back-to-back, try awkwardly to get themselves free, their efforts ultimately resulting in Archer momentarily being smothered by the Vulcan's ample chest.

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