- Thomas J. Leonard
Thomas J. Leonard (
July 31 ,1955 -February 11 ,2003 inPhoenix, Arizona ) is considered a major contributor to the development of personalcoaching . [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C00E7DE163CF930A25754C0A9659C8B63&sec=health&spon=&pagewanted=1] In 1992 he founded Coach University, [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/08/12/LV31696.DTL] and theInternational Coach Federation in 1994. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9400E6D9113CF93AA15753C1A9649C8B63]Notable contributions to coaching
*Writing 6 coaching-related books, along with 14 internally published works available exclusively to the coaches at Coach University.
*StartingTeleClass.com in 1998. Teleclass.com is a virtual university with over 20,000 students, offering over 100teleclass es during any given week, delivered via conference call and RealAudio.
*Writing 28 personal and professional development programs which are used by coaches, training firms, and Fortune 100 companies.
*Being featured on over 100 hours of commercially available audio-tape sets demonstrating techniques and processes of coaching.
*Developing a popular website called TopTen.org, which contains over 1,000 Top 10 Lists on all subjects. (This is arguably one of the Internet's first article directories.)Fact|date=August 2008
*Founding and managing ofCoachVille.com as CEO. Coachville is a network and trainer of coaches worldwide with 20,000 coaches a members and graduates from 85 countries.
*Founding the Graduate School of Coaching, a comprehensive coach training school (1000 courses in development), with 1400 students from 35 countries.
*Founding theInternational Association of Certified Coaches , a professional coaching association with members worldwide.
*Publishing Today's Coach, a coaching industry ezine with over 30,000 subscribers.Personal and professional development tools
*"Personal Foundation"
*"Certified Strategist"
*"Clean Sweep"
*"SuperSensitive Person"
*"A Perfect Life"
*"Certified Critical Eye"Books
*"Working Wisdom"
*"The Portable Coach",Scribner , August 1998, ISBN 978-0684850412
*"Becoming a Coach"
*"Simply Brilliant", ISBN 978-1929668007
*"Coaching Forms Book"
*"The Distinctionary"
*"28 Laws of Attraction", Scribner, December 2007, ISBN 978-1416571032References
External links
* [http://www.thomasleonard.com/ Official site]
* [http://www.coachville.com/ Coachville]
* [http://www.coachu.com/ CoachU]
* [http://www.teleclass.com/ Teleclass.com]
* [http://www.topten.org/ TopTen.org]
* [http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fsb/fsb_archive/2003/05/01/343394/index.htm/ CNN Money: The Inner Game of Business]
* [http://www.allthingst.com/ AllThingsT.com]
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