- Infoworld Bossie Awards
Infoworld Bossie Awards are given to the bestopen source software applications in various categories. First of these awards were announced in September 2007, and were given to 36 software applications across 6 categories. The software were adjudged by the Infoworld editors and reviewers.2007 Awards
* Customer Relationship Management -
* Enterprise Resource Planning -Openbravo
* Enterprise portal -Liferay Portal
* Content Management -Alfresco
* Mail and collaboration -Scalix Networking
* VOIP Telephony -
* Streaming Media -Azureus Vuze
* Directory Services -Open Directory
* Network Protocol Analysis -Wireshark
* Wireless Sniffer -Kismet Platforms & Middleware
* Server OS -
* Desktop OS - Ubuntu
* Java Application Server -JBoss Seam
* Web Server - Apache
* Database -MySQL
* Enterprise Service Bus -MuleSource
* Server Virtualization -Xen ecurity
* Network Vulnerability Assessment -
* Intrusion Prevention -Snort
* Anti-virus -ClamAV
* Anti-spam -Spamassassin
* Network Firewall -IPCop
* Application Firewall -SELinux
* VPN -OpenVPN
* Security testing best practices -OSSTMM oftware development
* IDE -
* Rich Internet Application Development -OpenLaszlo
* AJAX Toolkit -Tibco General Interface
* Continuous Integration Server -CruiseControl torage
* File system - Zettabyte File System (ZFS)
* NAS Server -FreeNAS
* Storage Networking -AoE Tools
* Best block I/O tool -Iometer
* Best file I/O tool -IOZone References
* [http://www.infoworld.com/archives/t.jsp?N=s&V=91650 2007 Infoworld Bossie Awards]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.