

A microsegment is an extremely precise division of a market, typically identified by marketers through advanced technology and techniques, such as data mining, artificial intelligence, and algorithms. These technologies and techniques are used to recognize and predict minute consumer spending and behavioral patterns (microsegmentation).

Once identified, microsegments can become the focus of personalized direct micromarketing and micropromotion campaigns. Each campaign is meant to target and appeal to the specified tastes, needs, wants, and desires of the individuals that make up the microsegment.

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  • microsegment — /muy kreuh seg meuhnt/, n. a stretch of speech preceded and followed but not interrupted by juncture. Cf. macrosegment. [1955 60; MICRO + SEGMENT] * * * …   Universalium

  • microsegment — /muy kreuh seg meuhnt/, n. a stretch of speech preceded and followed but not interrupted by juncture. Cf. macrosegment. [1955 60; MICRO + SEGMENT] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Microbusiness — A microbusiness is a small business or enterprise with less than 5 employees and little access to commercial banking. Many microbusinesses are side businesses run from the house or via the internet. Starting a microbusiness is often a possibility …   Wikipedia

  • macrosegment — /mak roh seg meuhnt/, n. a stretch of speech preceded and followed but not interrupted by a pause. Cf. microsegment. [1955 60; MACRO + SEGMENT] * * * …   Universalium

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