- Scuppers
"Scuppers The Sailor Dog" (or simply "The Sailor Dog") is a chidren's book authored by
Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated byGarth Williams . It was originally published in1953 byGolden Books . Note that the 2001 edition lacks four pages of beautiful color illustrations and text found in the original 1953 edition.The book is noticeable for:
a distinctive hero:
* the hero, a dog named Scuppers, "born at sea in the teeth of a gale" but raised on a farm
* focused, clear life goal of becoming a sailor
* persistent efforts to achieve that goal
* orderly arrangement of modest possessions
* diligent and constructive response to disaster
* desire to improve lifestyle
* satisfaction (or contentment) with his choicesa simple plot:
* searching for the opportunity to be a sailor
* grasping the opportunity when it comes
* discovering the opportunities during a tragedy
* overcoming the limitations from a tragedy
* movement to improve lifestyle
* sailing to a new horizon
* closing affirmation of goal (in the form of a song)little known facts about Scuppers ("Scups")
* Scups ran for the Wolves in 97-98
* Scups had a four pound tumor in his right quad
* Scups always inserted a fresh dip for all pre-race course walks
* Scups did, and still does, enjoy the perkier things in lifelyrical, poetic storyline:
* "Born at sea in the teeth of a gale, the sailor was a dog. Scuppers was his name."lush, colorful, detailed illustrations
External links
*OCLC|933597 (1953 ed.)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.