Devrukhe Brahmins - List of Institutions founded by Devrukhes

Devrukhe Brahmins - List of Institutions founded by Devrukhes

List of Institutions founded by Devrukhe Brahmins
*1. ‘Brahm Sabha’ – Established in 1895 – Vedic Education.
*2. ‘Sudnyanaikya Vardhak Sabha’ – Established in 1902 - Providing Financial aid for education.
*3.1 ‘Viddyarthi Sahayak Mandal’ – Est in 1907 - Financial aid for education.
*3.2 ‘Viddyamrut Poshak Sanshta’ – Est in 1909 - Financial aid for education.
*3.3 ‘Chandrabhagabai Trust’ – Est in 1924 Financial aid for education.
*3.4 ‘Vaidik Dharma Shikshan Fund’ Est in 1928 Financial aid for education
*3.5 ‘Thakubai Kokje Trust’ Est in 1957 Financial aid for education
*3.6 ‘Devrukhe Brahmin Shikshan Fund’ Est in 1939 Financial aid for educationAll above five institutions have been amalgamated and now known as ‘Viddyarthi Sahayyak Sanstha’.
*4. ‘Sanmitra Mandal’ – Est 1915 – For Intellectual, Moral and Financial Progress.
*5. ‘Sanmitra Sahakari Bank Ltd’ – Est in1924
*6. ‘Geeta Jayanti Utsav Mandal’ later on ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Mumbai’ took over its activities.
*7. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Mumbai’ Est in 1936.
*8. ‘Dr Eknath Teredesai Arogyadham, Govandi’ (Managed by Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Mumbai).
*9. ‘Sanmitra Co-op Housing Society Ltd’ Est in 1948.
*10. ‘Devrukhe Viddyarthi Vasatigruh and Dnyatigruh Nidhi’ at Ratnagiri.
*11. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Anaath Kautumbik Nidhi’.
*12. ‘Devrukhe Brahman co-Credit Society Limited, Khattalwada, Gujarath State’ est in 1914.
*13. ‘Devrukhe Building Fund, Umbargaon, Gujrath state’.
*14. ‘Devarshi Prakash’ – Quarterly Published periodical from Pune, Maharashtra state- Est in 1928.
*15. ‘Sanmitra Samachar’ monthly Periodical published from Mumbai Est.1936.
*16. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Central Mumbai’
*17. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Mandal, Vile Parle’
*18. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Borivli’
*19. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Mulund’
*20. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Thane’
*21. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Dombivli’
*22. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Kalyan’
*23. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Borivli’
*24. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Sangh, Panvel’
*25. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Samaj, Pune’
*26. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Samaj, Baroda’
*27. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Samaj, Indore’
*28. ‘Vaidyakiya Madat Nidhi’
*29. ‘Devrukhe Brahman Mitra Mandal, Mumbai’ Est in 1963.
*30. ‘Devrukhe Yuva’ – Est in 2006.
*Information compiled by Shri Madhav Bhole & Shri Ramesh Nimbkar, Mulund for Devrukhe Yuva. see

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