

Aspasius (ca. 100-150 AD) was a Peripatetic philosopher. Boethius, who frequently refers to his works, says that Aspasius wrote commentaries on most of the works of Aristotle. The following commentaries are expressly mentioned: on "De Interpretatione", the "Physica", "Metaphysica", "Categoriae", and the "Nicomachean Ethics". A portion of the commentary on the "Nicomachean Ethics" (books 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8) is still extant. It is notable as the earliest extant commentary on any of Aristotle's works. From Porphyry, who also states that Aspasius wrote commentaries on Plato, we learn that his commentaries on Aristotle were used in the school of Plotinus.

Albert the Great, in his commentary on Aristotle's "Politics" also refers to a monograph on natural affections ("Libellus de naturalibus passionibus"), as written by Aspasius.


* Antonina Alberti and Robert W. Sharples, eds., "Aspasius: The Earliest Extant Commentary on Aristotle's Ethics" (de Gruyter, 1999) ISBN 3-11-016081-1

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