The Multinational Andean Project: Geoscience for Andean Communities (MAPGAC) is a international research project, that began June 28, 2002 and includes Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. The project goal is to contribute to improving the quality of life for the people of the Andes by reducing the negative impact of natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, and volcanoes). Through the project, updated and integrated geoscience and geospatial information on natural hazards will be provided for: 1. Land use planning and, 2. Natural hazard mitigation.

Funding for the project comes from the eight participating nations but is expected to exceed $35,000,000CDN over the six years of the project. [ The Geological Survey of Canada] has been named the executing agency by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), administering the estimated $12,000,000 CDN in funding to be provided by CIDA. Monthly updates on the Project's activities can be found in the [ Newsletter] . The supporting information outlining the goals, objectives, governance and other items for the Project can be found in the [ Implementation Report] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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