- Lüdershagen
Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Wappen =
lat_deg = 54 | lat_min = 18
lon_deg = 12 | lon_min = 37
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Landkreis = Nordvorpommern
Amt = Barth
Höhe = 17
Fläche = 13.94
Einwohner = 615
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 18314
Vorwahl = 038227
Kfz = NVP
Gemeindeschlüssel = 13 0 57 055
Adresse-Verband = Teergang 2
18356 Barth
Website = [http://www.amt-barth.de/luedershagen.htm www.amt-barth.de]
Bürgermeister = Gerhild Balzer
Partei =Lüdershagen is a
Baltic Sea municipality in theNordvorpommern district (Northwest Pomerania), inMecklenburg-Vorpommern ,Germany . Located about 18km southwest ofBarth and (until 2005) part of Barth county (amt), Lüdershagen is about 15 km east ofRibnitz-Damgarten . To the north of the town is Gäthkenhäger forest, and to the south is Highway 105 (Rostock -Stralsund ). The population of Lüdershagen is about 600. [ [http://www.entdeckemv.de/region_darss/themen_orte/orte/luedershagen/luedershagen.htm Ostsee-Ferien-Region, Lüdershagen] (in German)]The name Lüdershagen was first recorded in
1278 in the wake of the "Ostsiedlung ," the resettlement of Germans into Central and Eastern Europe associated with the expansion of theHoly Roman Empire , the defeat ofDenmark at theBattle of Bornhöved (1227 ) and the conquest of the Prussians by theTeutonic Order .The town is known for "Georgskirche" (St. George's Church), a
brick building in the Gothic style dating to the 13th and 14th centuries and maintained by thePomeranian Evangelical Church . [ [http://www.amt-barth.de/luedershagen.htm Lüdershagen municipal website] (in German)] ] There is also an annual summer festival known as "Tonnenabschlagen".Notes
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