Lie ring

Lie ring

In mathematics a Lie ring is a structure related to Lie algebras that can arise as a generalisation of Lie algebras, or through the study of the lower central series of groups.

Formal definition

A Lie ring is defined as a nonassociative ring with multiplication that is anticommutative and satisfies the Jacobi identity. More specifically we can define a Lie ring L to be an abelian group with an operation [cdot,cdot] that has the following properties:

* Bilinearity:

:: [x + y, z] = [x, z] + [y, z] , quad [z, x + y] = [z, x] + [z, y]

:for all "x", "y", "z" ∈ "L".

* The "Jacobi identity":

:: [x, [y,z] + [y, [z,x] + [z, [x,y] = 0 quad

:for all "x", "y", "z" in "L".

* For all "x" in "L".

:: [x,x] =0 quad


* Any Lie algebra over a general ring instead of a field is an example of a Lie ring.

* Any associative ring can be made into a Lie ring by defining a bracket operator [x,y] = xy - yx.

* For an example of a Lie ring arising from the study of groups, let G be a group, and let G = G_0 supseteq G_1 supseteq G_2 supseteq cdots supseteq G_n supseteq cdots be a central series in G - that is [G_i,G_j] subseteq G_{i+j} for any i,j. Then

:: L = igoplus G_i/G_{i+1}

:is a Lie ring with addition supplied by the group operation (which will be commutative in each homogeneous part), and the bracket operation given by

:: [xG_i, yG_j] = [x,y] G_{i+j}

:extended linearly.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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