

Pega (c. 673-c.714), was an anchoress of Mercia, and the sister of Saint Guthlac. She was born in Mercia. She lived as an anchoress at Peakirk ("Pega's church") in the modern county of Cambridgeshire, not far from Guthlac's hermitage at Crowland. When he realized that his end was near in 714, he invited her to his funeral. For this she sailed down the River Welland, curing a blind man from Wisbech on the way. She inherited Guthlac's psalter and scourge, both of which, it was claimed, she later gave to Crowland Abbey. She went on pilgrimage to Rome and died there c.719. Ordericus Vitalis claimed that her relics survived in an unnamed Roman church in his day, and that miracles took place there. Her feast day is January 8.


*Attwater, Donald and Catherine Rachel John. "The Penguin Dictionary of Saints". 3rd edition. New York: Penguin Books, 1993. ISBN 0-140-51312-4.

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