

The sixareen or Sixern (Norwegian: "Seksring" meaning "six-oared"), is a clinker built boat, evolved as a larger version of the Yoal, when the need arose for crews to fish further from shore. The first of the Sixareens were, like the Yoal imported from Norway in kit form, until the mid 19th century when increasing import duty made it more cost effective to import the raw materials and build the boats in Shetland.

Construction and terminology

The "sixareen" was so named because she was crewed by six men, each man rowing a single oar, unlike the Yoal in which 3 men rowed a pair of oars each.

The size of a "sixareen" varied from about 25 - 30 feet overall, with a beam of 7 - 8 feet. The boat carried a square sail which was used when the wind was favourable, but often in light winds or in a head wind the crew could row for many hours to complete their journey. Fishing trips usually were over 3 days, with the boats making 2 trips each week when the weather permitted. One can only imagine the conditions on board a 30ft open boat in the open sea, even in summer.

As with the Yoal, all the parts of a Sixareen have names, which are usually found only in the Shetland dialect, although many of the names are derived from the old Norse language. The names of the parts listed here include the English name and where possible, the Norwegian name.

There are six separate rooms, or sections in a "sixareen": The "fore head", where sails and tackle were stored; The "fore room"; The "mid room", where stones for ballast were placed; The "owsin room" which was kept clear for "owsin" (bailing) out water, using an "Owsekerri"; The "shot room" where the catch was stowed; And the "kannie" where the skipper sat at the helm.

The 'Rooms' of the boat were separated by the "tafts" on which the crew sat, the "fiskabrods" under the tafts, which stopped the catch and fishing gear from shifting between rooms, and by the "baands", the frames to which the boards were fixed.

The boards, named from the keel upwards, were; The "Boddam Runner", the "Hassen", the 1st & 2nd "Swills", the "Laands" (4 boards), and the "reebin", the upper board, inside which the Wale or gunwale was fixed. At the bow and stern the boards were fixed to the "Stammerin" before attaching to the fore and aft stems. The "reebin" was additionally strengthened by the breast hook, or "Hinny Spot" where it met the "Horn" at the top of the stem.


While the Yoal was used for inshore fishing, and seldom ventured more than perhaps 10 miles from land, the Sixareen was used to fish the Far Haaf, up to 40 or 50 miles from Shetland. Because of this, and the unpredictable nature of the weather in northern waters, the loss of boats and lives was extremely high. The worst losses being on the 16th July 1832 when 17 boats and 105 men were lost in a severe gale, and again on the 21st July 1881 when a sudden and violent summer storm, claimed 10 boats and 58 men, mostly from Gloup, in the north of Yell, in what became known as The Gloup Disaster.

Although it is not clear when the last Sixareens were built for fishing, it is likely to be not much later than the late 1880s, by which time it was seen that larger boats were the way forward for the local fishing industry.

Having said that, there have been 2 Sixareens built in the 20th century. In the 1980s Duncan Sandison of Unst realised that the Sixareen was very much a boat of the past, as there were none left in Unst. With the help of a group of volunteers, after 800 hours work, the "Far Haaf", a replica Sixareen was completed in 1988, but sadly she was destroyed by a hurricane which swept the isles in 1992. Not to be put off by this loss, another "Far Haaf" was built and launched in 1993. She now has pride of place in a special enclosure outside the Unst Boat Haven.

External links

* [ The Haaf Fishing - A scalloway Junior High School project]
* [ Link leads to] a downloadable "Resource pack for fishing and the Gloup desaster 1881".
* [ Shetland Museum - Sixareen]
* [ Undiscovered Scotland - Unst Boat Haven]
* [ Unst Boat Haven]
* [ Picture Gallery of new Sixareen Building Project in Shetland]

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