

Andronicus or Andronikos may refer to:

* Livius Andronicus (c.284 BC–204 BC), introduced drama to the Romans and produced the first formal play in Latin in c.240 BC
*Andronicus ben Meshullam, a Jewish scholar of the second century BC
*Andronicus of Cyrrhus (c.100 BC), Greek astronomer
*Andronicus of Rhodes (c.70 BC), Greek philosopher
*Andronicus of Pannonia (Saint Andronicus), an Apostle of the Seventy mentioned in Romans 16:7
*Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus (Saint Andronicus), a fourth century martyr
*Andronicus of Alexandria, a soldier, martyr, saint, and companion of Faustus, Abibus and Dionysius of Alexandria
*Coptic Pope Andronicus of Alexandria (reigned 616–622)

*Five Byzantine Emperors:
**Andronikos I Komnenos (1118–1185)
**Andronikos II Palaiologos (1258–1332)
**Andronikos III Palaiologos (1297–1341)
**Andronikos IV Palaiologos (1348–1385)
**Andronikos V Palaiologos (c.1400–c.1407), Co-Emperor with his father John VII Palaiologos
*Andronikos Palaiologos, Lord of Thessalonike (1403–1429)

*Three Emperors of Trebizond:
**Andronikos I of Trebizond (1222– [1235)
**Andronikos II of Trebizond (1263–1266)
**Andronikos III of Trebizond (1330–1332)

In fiction:
*Titus Andronicus, main character in the play of the same name by William Shakespeare, possibly named after one of the above-listed emperors
*"Andronicus, or the Unfortunate Politician", a 1646 satire by Thomas Fuller

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  • Andronicus — Andronīcus, röm. Dichter, s. Livius Andronicus …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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  • ANDRONICUS — I. ANDRONICUS Grammaticus, desidiosior in professione Graeca, cuius meminit Sueton. de Illustrib. Gramm. c. 8. Item Historicus qui res Alexandri scripsit. Volater. l. 21. Anthropol. Vide de Andronico, Historico Graeco Hieron. praef. in Danielem.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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