Juergen Pirner

Juergen Pirner

:"One sense of Jabberwock disambiguates to here. For the later, two-time winner of the same prize, see Jabberwacky."
Juergen Pirner (born circa 1961) [http://www.agentland.com/cgi-bin/relocation.cgi?http://www.agentland.com/pages/learn/chatterbox_challenge/pirner.html Interview with Juergen Pirner, agentland.com] ] is the German creator of Jabberwock, a chatterbot that won the 2003 Loebner prize.

Pirner created Jabberwock modelling the Jabberwocky from Lewis Carroll's poem of the same name. Initially, Jabberwock would just give rude or fantasy-related answers; but over the years, Pirner has programmed better responses into it. As of 2007 he has taught it 1.2 million responses. [ [http://www.chatterboxchallenge.com/jabberwock/bot_jabberwock.html About Jabberwock] ]

Pirner lives in Hamburg, Germany .


External links

* [http://www.abenteuermedien.de/jabberwock Talk to Jabberwock]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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