Juan Bautista Vázquez

Juan Bautista Vázquez

Juan Bautista Vázquez (16th century) was a Spanish sculptor and painter of the Renaissance period.

Born in Seville, he studied painting with Diego de la Barrera, the early master of Vargas (painter), and sculpture at Toledo, where he practised for several years, working in the Cathedral with Vergara the elder among others. Returning, in 1560, to his native Seville, he there executed several carvings for the Cathedral, among them the bas-reliefs of the "Creation of the World", the "Fall of Adam and Eve", and their "Expulsion from Paradise". In 1568 he painted an altar-piece for the chapel of Our Lady of the Pomegranate, then existing in the court of orange-trees. In 1579 he went to Malaga, to design and sculpt for the Manrique family a chapel and altar in the Cathedral.


*cite book| first=William| last=Stirling-Maxwell| year=1848| title="Annals of the Artists of Spain" (Volume II) | editor = | pages= page 373 | publisher=John Ollivier, publisher,|location=59 Pall Mall St., London; Original from Fogg Library, Digitized June 22, 2007 |id= | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=dtADAAAAYAAJ&printsec=titlepage&dq=stirling+maxwell+annals+spain| authorlink=

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