

name = "Rhyticeros"

image_caption = "Rhyticeros undulatus"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Coraciiformes
familia = Bucerotidae
genus = "Rhyticeros"
genus_authority = Reichenbach, 1849
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "See text."
synonyms =

"Rhyticeros" is a genus of medium to large hornbills (Bucerotidae family) found in forests from south-east Asia to the Solomons. They are sometimes included in the genus "Aceros". On the contrary, most species generally placed in "Aceros" are sometimes moved to "Rhyticeros", leaving "Aceros" as a monotypic genus only containing the Rufous-necked Hornbill.

All species generally placed in "Rhyticeros" have relatively low conspiciously wreathed casques, and a mainly dull whitish-horn bill. Both sexes have a mainly black plumage, but the head and neck of the males are white or rufous. The tail is white, except in the black-tailed Sumba Hornbill. They have conspicuous inflatable skin on the throat that is blue in all except the males of the Plain-pouched and Wreathed Hornbills, where it is yellow.


As generally recognized, the following species belong in the genus "Rhyticeros":

* Papuan (or Blyth's) Hornbill ("Rhyticeros plicatus").
* Narcondam Hornbill ("Rhyticeros narcondami").
* Plain-pouched Hornbill ("Rhyticeros subruficollis").
* Wreathed Hornbill ("Rhyticeros undulatus").
* Sumba Hornbill ("Rhyticeros everetti").


* Kemp, A. C. (2001). Family Bucerotidae (Hornbills). Pp. 436-523 in: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., & Sargatal, J. eds. (2001). "Handbook of the Birds of the World." Vol. 6. Mousebirds to Hornbills. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-30-X

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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