humanitarian access — humanitarian access, the right of noncombatants to receive humanitarian aid in a time of war: »Humanitarian access…has been subtly changed to focus on the privileges of the aid giver, rather than the rights of the recipient (Alex de Waal) … Useful english dictionary
Humanitarian Use Licenses — are provisions in a license whereby inventors and technology suppliers protect in advance the possibility of sharing their technology with people in need. Thus, Humanitarian Use Licenses set the conditions for the provision of access to… … Wikipedia
Humanitarian aid — arriving by C 130 Hercules at Rinas Airport in Albania in the summer of 2000. Many organizations engaged in assisting refugees fleeing Kosovo … Wikipedia
Humanitarian impact of the 2008 South Ossetia war — South Ossetians= On 8 August the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) urged the combatants to form a humanitarian corridor to evacuate the wounded and besieged civilians from within Tskhinvali.cite web|url =… … Wikipedia
Humanitarian civic assistance activities — Humanitarian Civic Assistance (HCA) is the Defense Department s term for relief and development activities that take place in the context of an overseas military exercise, training or operation. Under the HCA program, U.S. military personnel… … Wikipedia
Humanitarian-FOSS — Free and Open Source Software represents a paradigm shift in the way software is built. The development of software is not by strict commercially or government driven hierarchies, but by global communities that structure themselves in… … Wikipedia
Humanitarian response to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake — The humanitarian response to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was prompted by one of the worst natural disasters of modern times. On 26 December 2004, the earthquake, which struck off the northwest coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra,… … Wikipedia
Humanitarian principles — There are a number of meanings for the term humanitarian. Here humanitarian pertains to the practice of saving lives and alleviating suffering. It is usually related to emergency response (also called humanitarian response) whether in the case of … Wikipedia
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International — ] ] , published by HAP International reviews the progress made over 2007 towards strengthening norms and practices in the humanitarian sector. Also, this year s report details the organisations humanitarian accountability opinion survey , an… … Wikipedia
Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response — The Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR) is an alliance made up of chief executive officers representing nine humanitarian networks or agencies (Care International, Caritas Internationalis, the International Committee of the Red… … Wikipedia