Herman Nicolaas Ridderbos

Herman Nicolaas Ridderbos

Herman Nicolaas Ridderbos (19092007) was born on February 13 1909 in Oosterend (Friesland), the Netherlands, grew up in the Reformed Church and in a strong, conservative Christian home, and died on Thursday, March 8 2007, at the age of 98. He was one of the most important New Testament theologians of the 20th century--particularly because of his emphasis on the history of salvation ("Heilsgeschichte") or biblical theology.


These are his major writings in chronological order:
* "De strekking der Bergrede naar Mattheüs". [The Tenor of the Sermon on the Mount according to Matthew] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1936. [This was his PhD dissertation.]
* "Het Evangelie naar Mattheüs I". [The Gospel to Matthew I] Korte Verklaring der Heilige Schrift. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1941.
* "Het Evangelie naar Mattheüs II". [The Gospel to Matthew II] Korte Verklaring der Heilige Schrift. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1946.
* "Zelfopenbaring en zelfverberging". Het historisch karakter van Jezusmessiaansche zelfopenbaring volgens de synoptische evangeliën. [Self-revelation and Self-concealment: The Historical Character of JesusMessianic Self-revelation according to the Synoptic Gospels] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1946.
* "De komst van het Koninkrijk. Jezusprediking volgens de synoptische evangeliën". Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1950.
* "The Coming of the Kingdom", edited by Raymond O. Zorn, translated by H. de Jongste. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1962 [1969] . 556 pp.
* "Paulus en Jezus. Oorsprong en algemeen karakter van PaulusChristus-prediking". Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1952.
* "Paul and Jesus": Origin and General Character of Pauls Preaching of Christ, translated by David H. Freeman. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1958. 155 pp.
* "The Epistle of Paul to the Churches of Galatia", translated by Henry Zylstra. The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1953 [1968, 1970, 1976, 1981] . 238 pp.
* “Israël in het Nieuwe Testament, in het bijzonder volgens Rom. 911” [“Israel in the New Testament, especially according to Rom. 911”] in G. Ch. Aalders and H. Ridderbos, Israël, 2373. Exegetica. Oud- en nieuw-testamentische studiën II, 2; Den Haag: Van Keulen, 1955.
* "Heilsgeschiedenis en Heilige Schrift van het Nieuwe Testament". Het gezag van het Nieuwe Testament. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1955.
* "The Authority of the New Testament Scriptures", translated by H. de Jongste. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1963. 93 pp.
* "Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures", translated by H. De Jongste, revised by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1968; 2nd Rev. ed., 1988. 91 pp.
* "When the Time Had Fully Come: Studies in New Testament Theology". Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957. 104 pp.
* "Het verborgen Koninkrijk". Handleiding tot het Evangelie van Mattheüs. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1958.
* "Matthews Witness to Jesus Christ: The King and the Kingdom". World Christian Books 23. London: Lutterworth Press, 1958.
* "Aan de Romeinen". Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament. [To the Romans] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1959.
* "Bultmann", translated by David H. Freeman. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1960. 46 pp.
* "Aan de Efeziërs. Aan de Colossenzen". Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament. [To the Ephesians. To the Colossians.] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1960. *Authored by F. W. Grosheide.
* The Speeches of Peter in the Acts of the Apostles. London: Tyndale Press, 1962 [1977] . 31 pp.
* “Opbouw en strekking van de proloog van het evangelie van Johannes.” [“The Structure and Scope of the Prologue to the Gospel of John”] in Placita Pleiadia. Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. G. Sevenster. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1966. Also published in Novum Testamentum 8 (1966): 180201.
* "Paulus. Ontwerp van zijn theologie". Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1966. 653 pp.
* "Paul: An Outline of His Theology", translated by John Richard De Witt. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975 [1997] . 587 pp.
* De Pastorale brieven. Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament. [The Pastoral Epistles] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1967.
* "Het Woord, het Rijk en onze verlegenheid". [The World, the Kingdom, and Our Embarrassment] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1968. [During the celebration of the 25th anniversary of his professorship in 1968, his colleagues presented him with a collection of a number of his articles and lectures.]
* “Tradition and Editorship in the Synoptic Gospels,” translated by E. R. Geehan. In Jerusalem and Athens: Critical Discussions on the Theology and Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til, edited by E. R. Geehan, 24459. Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1971. 498 pp.
* "Zijn wij op de verkeerde weg? Een bijbelse studie over de verzoening". [Are We on the Wrong Way? A Biblical Study of Reconciliation] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1972. [Ridderbos was involved in a controversy about Herman Wiersingas dissertation De verzoening in de theologische diskussie [Reconciliation in the Theological Discussion] (Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1971). He wrote this as a response.]
* "Studies in Scripture and Its Authority". Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978. 109 pp.
* "Het Woord is vlees geworden. Beschouwingen over het eigen karakter van het Evangelie van Johannes" [The Word Became Flesh: Reflections on the Unique Character of the Gospel of John] Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1979.
* "Het Evangelie naar Johannes. Proeve van een theologische exegese II"I. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1987, 1992.
* "The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary", translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids; Cambridge: Eerdmans, 1997. 721 pp.
* "Jan Ridderbos". Mens. Kamper Miniaturen 4. Kampen: Vereniging van Oud-Studenten van de Theologische Universiteit Kampen, 1999.

External links

* [http://www.philgons.com/2007/03/herman-nicolaas-ridderbos/ Herman Nicolaas Ridderbos at PhilGons.com]

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