- Tolga Dürbin
Tolga Dürbin,Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet: [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/07/world/europe/07fritz.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper&oref=slogin In Plot Suspect, Germany Sees Familiar Face] , "
The New York Times ", September 7, 2007] largely identified in the media as "Tolga D." as authorities attempt to shield his identity, is a 29-year-old [As of July 2007, per [http://www.zibb.com/article/1264872/German+security+officials+on+heightened+terror+alert] ] German-Turkish man closely associated with the alleged 2007 bombing plot in Germany, who had been known to the BfV as an "Islamist".Attending the "Multi-Kultur-Haus" in
Ulm , the Turkish-born Dürbin introduced his friend (and later plot ringleader)Fritz Gelowicz toWahhabi Islam. Gelowicz and Dürbin had worked together in thesolar heating business owned by Gelowicz's father.In 2006, he travelled to Egypt, after studying Arabic at an unrelated
masjid in Ulm.On
June 10 2007, he was arrested, together with stateless Lebanon-bornSaarland residentHussain al-M. , trying to cross the Pakistani-Iranian border using forged Afghan refugee cards. At the time of his arrest, he was carrying several thousandeuro s, several thousanddollar s and asatellite phone , and alleged to be trying to establish contact with theIslamic Jihad Union .Der Spiegel later mistakenlyFact|date=September 2007 referred to it as an "al Qaeda training camp".As of
July 2 2007, he was still being held in a Pakistani prison where officials refused toextradite him to Germany since his crime ofvisa fraud had occurred in Pakistan. However, Pakistan had made overtures ofdeport ing him back to Germany.BBC . [http://www.zibb.com/article/1264872/German+security+officials+on+heightened+terror+alert German security officials on heightened terror alert] . July 02, 2007] His flight back to Germany arrived onAugust 15 and he was promptly arrested at the airport, accused of corrupting al-M and possessingjihad i videotapes.http://news.aol.com/story/_a/german-authorities-arrest-man-accused-of/n20070815111109990003 German authorities arrest man accused of recruiting people for terrorism in Pakistan] , August 15, 2007] Other sources said he was "under investigation" for "racist" attacks. [Roger Boyes: [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2407656.ece German terror suspect 'met 9/11 hijacker'] , "Times online", September 7, 2007]
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